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; cielo

"Cielo! Get up, you're going to be late to school!"

"Ugh." I groaned as I rolled off the bed. Another day, same as the others with no twist. I got up and got ready for the day. As I was walking to school, I heard some other girls talking about how there were three new kids going to our school. I groaned, our school legit did not need anymore kids.

As I got to the gates of the school, I saw my best friend, Reign, pacing back and forth covering a grin with her hands. I ran up to her, because the last time that she did that, it was because she saw a cute dog and it went up to her. "Okay, so now I'm not freaking out because of a dog. It's because of one or two of the new kids here. Both of them are sophomores!"

"Oh, hurray, because this school needs more people." I said sarcastically and Reign rolled her eyes.

"But they are so hot! I'm sure you're going to like at least one of them!"

"Okay, Reign, okay." I shook my head and we both walked to the table where the rest of our group sat before school.

"Hey, Cielo." everyone else said at almost the exact same time I got there. I smiled at all of them and sat down at the table.

"Oh my God, look!" Reign pointed to the right and I saw this okay looking guy. "He's so hot, isn't he?"

"Might want to yell that a bit louder so that he could hear you, ya know!" Reign looked at me and grinned.

"Isn't he hot though? I'm pretty sure he's Edward."

"He's cute, Reign, chill. He's not even that good looking. Okay, then maybe you will like Wil. He's Edward's friend." there was a pause while Reign was looking for I'm guessing Wil. "Oh look! there he is!"

"He's fucking gorgeous, oh my god." I replied. Reign smirked at me, and then elbowed me lightly.

"Go talk to him, I'm sure he'll like you, or if not, be nice to you. He seems nice."

Everybody else at our table stopped talking and some were looking back and forth between Wil and I. "Fine." I went up to him and tapped his shoulder ,"Hey, I'm Cielo. I see you're new here. Mind if I show you around?" I sounded calm, but I was internally freaking out inside.

"Hi, I'm Wil and actually, I already know my way through this school, but could you do me a favor?"

I nodded, "Yeah sure, what is it?"

"I lost my number, could I have yours, please?"


"Cielo, did you really get two guy's numbers in just one day?" asked my other friend, Margot.


"You are wild as fuck. Text both of them and ask him if they want to hang with you, Reign, Phoenix, and I over the weekend. Maybe Corey can go with us also."

"I got you..." I texted them and waited for their responses, "Yeah, they said they mot likely could."

"Great! Let's talk later about it then!"

"Yeah, of course, you later b!"

I went to my AP environmental science class and I sat down where I normally sat down. I saw Wil walk into the classroom and saved the seat next to me for him. "Wil! Come here!" He saw me and sat down, smiling. "So how long have you been here? Do you know the city well?"

"I know the city, but I was wondering if we could all go somewhere else. Some where with a beach or something."

"Abalone Cove! We should totally go there, although it is an hour away... Do you think Edward would like to go also? I know my friends would, you would love them!"

"Yeah I think he would, lets go on Saturday."

"Sounds great!" we smiled at each other and I looked down at my desk, great.

ASDFGHJKL new story!!!

shoutout to @80sdudes for the wonderful cover, i might switch back and forth between all of them because they are just amazing! ENJOY GUYS


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