A Morning to Forget

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He wakes up to the sound of silence, What an eerie experience to be in. The wind slowly picks up quickly passing through his body. He opens his eyes slowly, only to cover it with the shade of his hand. White. It is the only color he could see from afar until the peak of the horizon.

"Where am I?" He says as if there was someone beside him to answer his question.

He takes only a few steps while lowering his hand gently on his sides. Looking up then down at the ripples surrounding his white leather shoes, Confusion punches his brain wondering. If the floor is wet, why aren't my shoes wet?  Lifting his foot then stomping on the floor.

The sun appears and its clouds clearing away the gray cloudy sky. His reflection appears on the ground. Lightly tan skin and pitch black hair, contrasting with his white attire. It causes him to think of the story of Snow White when the Queen asked her Magic Mirror with pride. 

"Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" Only to reveal that Snow White was far better than the queen. 

Slapping the sides of his cheeks as a reminder to regain focus quickly. Okay, I am focusing. Questions to ask himself. First, where am I? Second, how do I get out? Third, I forgot. Overthinking his situation the world starts to tremor and the floor shatters like a spider's web. 

The sky reverts to its original and gray clouds including lightning. The wind turns into his own tornado picking up the glass shards and throwing it at him. He ducks to a probing position avoiding the shards.

"I just want to get out!" He sniffles. Lightning flashes in the background, few seconds after comes to its crashes,

"Please. Let me out. I just want to go home." He yells demandingly raising one arm up with the other arm against his forehead. He continues to beg even after the nightmare ends. The shards inside of his right hand slowly fall out and crawl into the center of its palm. It reshapes into the form of a rose, only the head, and the petals grow into the color of white then red when the stem absorbs his blood.

He lets the rose onto the floor and its stem attaches to the floor, he watches it growing its own roots. He stands back up with his own two feet and looks around to see the change. Nothing. What did he see? Who was deceiving him? The floor and the stem flourishes with different shades of brown then the green grass to patch its baldness like hair growing back. So tired. He hasn't been sleeping for the past hours, at least he thinks so. He curls up against the dirt and grass, hugging himself tightly against the wind. In the distance,

"Lu, wake up!" the faint voice echoes

A quick silent moment until...

"It is time to get your fucking ass out of the bed and get ready for school." the voice whispering loudly beside his eardrum.

Lu wakes up. He is really bummed and stressed out to find out, It was a dream. Shit.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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