Toys are for Grown-Ups

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A/N:  Inspired by Studio C's Gift of Service Vlog - In Target, when James said, "Toys are so much cooler now!" and then Mallory danced around... :)

Setting: living room floor, toys in organized containers

MOM (enters holding TODDLER's hand, takes her knapsack, coat and hangs it on hook): kay, come, let's get you set up with some toys while I start supper (pulls out bin of magnatiles, takes some out, and begins connecting them)

MOM: (looks at watch and shakes head) What am I doing? (stands up) I'm gonna make some macaroni, kay? You like yummy noodles?

(TODDLER [Emma] nods)

(MOM leaves the room and TODDLER continues what MOM had started)

MOM (from the kitchen): you had a good day at play group? Did you like your sandwich?

TODDLER (leaves toys to talk to MOM in kitchen) yeah - yummy samich! (walks around kitchen; MOM trips over her while trying to bring pot of water to stove)

MOM: Emma, I need to make supper. Please go play with your magnatiles. Can you build me a really tall tower?

TODDLER: yeah! (runs back to toys)

MOM (puts noodles up, comes back to check on TODDLER)

MOM: Emma! What are you doing???!!!

TODDLER (scared, starts crying while MOM crouches down and starts fixing the structure of the tower. MOM also pulls TODDLER into her lap to comfort her.)

MOM: shh, Emma, it's okay, I'm sorry I yelled at you. it's just...this tower! (voice rising again) the foundation is all wrong. It will never support weight! It's grandma; her feet were small and she was very heavy!

TODDLER (had stopped crying, then resumed whimpering into MOM's shoulder)

MOM (sticks passie/binky in her mouth, then reconstructs tower herself)

**Cut to MOM standing, finishing really tall tower with embellishments. TODDLER has wandered to the fridge and been noshing on strawberries**

*Sound effect: smoke alarm. Fog machine from kitchen*

MOM: oh my gosh!!! The noodles!!! (Runs to kitchen, grabs smoking pot and dumps in the sink)

MOM (staring into sink): my noodles... (notices TODDLER in fridge) Emma, what do you have there?

TODDLER: stoobies! Yummy!

MOM: there goes Aunt Mildred's birthday cake... Strawberry Longcake no longer.

*Sound effect: key in door. Back door opens, DAD comes in.*

DAD (looks at sink, then TODDLER, then finally MOM): ...I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that we should order pizza tonight?

MOM (sighs): certainly looks that way, doesn't it.

DAD: (walks through living room taking off coat to hang it up in front closet, sees tower and stops short) who built this???!!!

MOM: (slinks in guiltily, holding TODDLER) me...?

DAD: what?! Oh, no, the foundation is all wrong!! It's like your grandma..........!!

MOM: what?!?!?! (marches back to kitchen in exasperated indignation)


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