One Word.... Love
What comes to mind when the words 'love story' are heard? A perfect fairy tale story with 'happily ever after' ending or a heart-breaking Romeo and Juliet drama? Maybe the typical guy likes girl, girl likes boy and everyhing just fits into place like a picture puzzle. Those scenarios actually happen in real life but having it happen to yourself is like seeing a shooting star coincedentally or finding a hundred dollar bill by the road side. In other words, it's a one in a million chance, so it's best to just live life to the fullest and hope that it was worth it.
This story, like every other story, starts off with a boy and a girl. In this story, his name is Julien whereas her name is Darcy. Darcy grew up pretty much all over the country due to her father's inability to find stable jobs and ability to find odd jobs that led him from state to state. At the age of 17, Darcy had aready studied at fifteen schools and was sick of all the moving. She had also given up on finding friendship, needless to say love. After the seventh school, Darcy came to realise that no matter how close you are with your friend, you'll slowly slip out of their memories with time. So, she made up a few rules for hersef, don't get to know anyone, don't learn their names and most importantly, never fall in love. Don't worry, Darcy had an amazing ability to ignore people and only hear what she wanted to hear which came in handy.
Well, of course, the third rule was hard to stand by as with her raging hormones, who wouldn't fall for the hotest guy in the whole school? But somehow, she managed to keep them in check and with just some minor crushes here and there, she survived fifteen schools with just a few scrapes and bruises. The sixteenth school, Westshore High, seemed to agree perfecty with the first two rules but proved to be extremely difficult in the last one. Then again, if there wasn't would there even be a story?
Moving was hard for many people, but not for Darcy. She was so accustommed to the moving and the paper work that came with it. First days are often described as hard and tiring for a normal student, what more for those new ones? Entering her homeroom (Darcy had already completed her paperwork with ease), a sea of unfamiliar faces stared back at her. Already used to all the stares, Darcy ignored them and went up to the teacher to pass him her paper. "Oh, a new student?" he asked. Not giving her any time to aswer, he continued, "My name is Mr Alaric and please introduce yourself before siting at an empty place."
There was when Darcy began her routine counting. One, introduction which must be kept short and simple to avoid people from remembering it. "My name is Darcy." Two, siting down. This is extremely vital as sitting in front will make it seem that you were a nerd or a teacher's pet or had bad eyesight, sitting in the middle is for people who have popularity and wants to be in the middle of everything whereas sitting at back meant wanting to be a nobody, which was exactly what Darcy needed. Lady Luck must have been smiling down at her since there was an empty seat at the far back row of the class , which Darcy quickly slipped into.
Three, the staring from the students in front. Sure enough, numerous turned subtly to the back to check out the new girl. Four, the girl nearest to her would began to introduce herself. "Hi Darcy, I'm xx. Where are you from?" Remember the second rule? Yeah that's the reason of the 'xx' so, for now, we'll just call her Platinum like her hair colour. Darcy ignored Platinum and stared ahead which didn't seem to be bothered about this and kept on rambling on. Four, the teacher would start to talk about typical first day stuff. As expected, the teacher started talking in front about how important school is which Darcy tuned out too. She started thinking about what colour she was going to paint her bedroom with and decided that she wouldn't because it won't be long until she left. That concluded the typical stuff that happened during the first homeroom.
The day passed without much hassel and so did the week. Pretty soon, the month passed with Darcy not gaining a single friend (she didn't want to anyways). On a particular Monday, the hallways were filled with whispers of a new handsome male student. Girls cranned their neck to get a glimpse of the boy whereas guys reached out to him in hopes of being his new best friend. His name was Julien and he was the new craze of not only Westshore High, but pretty much the town. As expected, Darcy couldn't be bothered of that fact of a newcomer and continued keep her head down.