The lonely boy

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Sorry if there are grammar mistakes so tell me if you find some because it's my first one shot 😅
Soooo let's begin


Your Pov.( ca. 7 years old )

I was walking through the streets of Sunagakure because mom told me to buy some stuff while she was at work (?).
I was thinking of ( pet of choice name) that died a year ago , when I suddenly heard a noise wich made me snap out of my thoughts.

Curious from where the noise came I followed it until I found myself at a playground. Then I saw a boy with beautiful red hair that was surrounded by a crowd of other kids who said mean things to him wich made him cry.

I was angry because nobody seemed to care what's going on so I let go of the bags with purchases and walked over to them.'' Hey leave him alone! '' I said. They looked at me like I was insane but I didn't care and shouted :" What did he do to you that you are so mean to him ?"

They stayed silent so I said in a dark voice :" Like I thought. If you have nothing else to say , then go away and leave us alone .".

After that , the crowd went away so I walked over to the boy who was still crying. I didn't know what to do so I hugged him like my mom always did when I was crying over my pet.

When I hugged him , he flinched a little but then relaxed and returned the hug while calming down , little by little .

Gaara's Pov.

I flinched as the girl hugged me because I was surprised that sombody even cared for me. After I calmed down I heard her say :" Can you tell me why they said such mean things to you?".

I stiffend at the question and was about to cry again but I managed to whisper a silent :" Because I'm a monster.".

Your Pov.

I was shocked at(?) his answer so I hugged him tighter .''No , you aren't '' I said in a truthful voice. Then I felt something wet on my shoulder and realised that he was crying again . I remembered a song that my mother sang to me when i was younger.

So I began to sing:

I see your monsters ,
I see your pain ,
Tell me your problems ,
I'll chase them away,
I'll be your lighthouse ,
I make it okay,
When I see your monsters,
I'll stand next so brave
and chase them all away.


( Timeskip because I'm lazy)

After I finished the song I heard him say :" You have a beautiful voice . Will you always be by my side ?"

"You mean like a best friend? I would love to. But would you be so nice and tell me your name ? By the way I'm ( Y/N) (Your Name) ."
" A beautiful Name for a beautiful Girl ." He whispered "Huh? Did you say something? " "Uh-uh no ." He shuttered.
"Ok. " I smiled brightly at him which made him instantly blush .

(Timeskip brought you by Luffy)

After that , we went home with him because nobody came to pick him up, so I decided to bring him with me.

At home

Because my mom was still working I made ourselves some Ramen that we ate . After that , we decided to play in my room since we didn't know what else to do .

Me and Gaara were playing " Hide and Seek" when I suddenly heard a loud thunder which made me cringe because I was terrified of thunder , so I began to cry.

Gaara's Pov.

I was used to thunder and I wasn't scared when I heard the sudden noise. Suddenly I heard small sobs so I followed them until I found (Y/N) crying on her bed. I felt sorry for her, so I sat beside her and let my sand surround us .

(Y/N)'s Pov.

I ran to my bed and began to cry. After a while I felt a hand on my shoulder but I was too scared of the thunder to look up.

Then I didn't hear anything. I looked up and saw that I was surrounded by sand while Gaara was next to me.

"Gaara , did you do that?" I asked carefully .
"Yes, and I understand if you hate me now, just like everyone else does." He said in a sad voice . He was about to go away when I stopped him .

"Why should I hate you Gaara ? I think it is a awesome specialty and you are so nice and... to be exact I think I have fallen in love with you." I almost shouted while I whispered the last part.

He must have heard it, because soon afterwards I felt his soft, warm lips on mine. After i froze for a second I began to kiss back and immediately close my eyes while my arms slowly creeped its way to his neck and his to my waist.

After a while we pulled back to inhale something called oxygen.
" I think I love you too." He said while breathing heavily. I blushed a 50 shades of gray while blubbering some not understandable words . And he? He just smiled the most adorable smile in this world

I hope you enjoyed this small story
Dunno if I will make more .

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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