Life Is a Poem

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Dedicated to Farah_Malik, my badass little life-saver.

What is so great about life

that makes a person want to fight

i tried

Following the light of positivity

after all the lying and pretending

the fake smiles and forced laughs

I have figured it out

I can not come up with an answer

if you ask me

i do think it exists

In the ruins of the palace

within my dreams

I see opportunities

The beauty of a mistake

Like the world of darkness

I lost my challenge

For life is a way to make yourself happy

Or sad, everything has a choice

There does come a day

A day that you cherish

You feel your life is worth it

Almost guilty

But never guilty enough to regret

Hell hath no fury like a disturbed mind

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2014 ⏰

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