Phone Call

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Crowley Eusford drank in the view from his vantage point on the shoulder of an old highway in the mountains. Below him, vibrantly green grass danced in a little valley bordered by a thick forest on one side, a small river rushing by loudly around the other, and surrounded by part of a tall mountain range . Places like this seemed untouched by humans and the apocalypse they caused. Crowley loved to come here to just stare. He never brought Horns or Chess here, because they would never understand his obsession with his valley. 

He gaze drifted over all the little details he loved so much, and found that there seemed to be something laying in the tall grass. Perhaps a little doe finds as much comfort here as I do, Crowley mused. The spot in the grass shifted, becoming to long to be caused by a deer. Curious, he jumped down to see what the new inhabitant of his valley was. His feet landed noiselessly in grass that came to about his waist and began to make his way towards the animal in question. He peered down, amazed to see a sleeping human and wasn't certain how to feel about it. On one hand, she was intruding in his little grove, but one the other, there was no way for the human to know that it had been claimed. He examined her, noting a sword, a uniform hat, and a pair of boots discarded in a pile near her feet, and that she had taken off her uniform jacket, using it as a sort of blanket to lay on. She was just as peaceful as the rest of his valley, with her long hair haphazardly intermingled with the grass, and the sound of her breathing was drowned out by the nearby river. 

Crowley decided he would let her live, since she wasn't hurting anything. He turned, and began to head towards the river to leave the sleeping livestock alone, when her sweet scent was picked up by the breeze. He inhaled it, and her smell dried his throat so badly that it hurt. He pivoted and looked down at his unconscious prey. It would be quick, he thought, and she was trespassing. Such a merciful death was generally not given to nosy livestock such as herself. As he reached down for her, a cellphone with a particularly annoying ringtone went off. The startled vampire took a step back, as the girl slightly opened her eyes. She regarded the ringing phone with a high level of distaste, silenced it, and rolled over with a mutter of "Five more minutes".  Crowley smiled, as the loud disturbance further validated his decision.

 He reached down again, but this time for the phone, rather curious who was trying to call her. It started vibrating, and a picture of a silver-haired boy sticking his tongue out appeared on the screen. He tapped the answer button, and nudged the girl with his foot. "Hello?" he inquired politely. "Huh, your voice is a little too deep to be Mai-chan's. Is she there? Wait, is she napping again? She's napping when she is supposed to be giving a report on the vampires located in Sanguinem. What a worthless spy. May I speak with her?"asked the male on the other side of the line. Hmm, he thought, this should be interesting. "But of course." Crowley nudged the girl at his feet a lot more roughly, and handed her the phone. "It's for you dear," he murmured. "Thank you," she said with a yawn, distracted. She took the phone, and before it made it to her ear the boy was already talking at her. "I can't believe you. You left the city without permission, you haven't turned in your report, and you ate my last cookie. What sort of a friend are you?" The girl sighed, and rubbed her eyes. "Shinya calm down..." "That would be Major General to you. AND I WILL NOT CALM DOWN." She sighed again, this time with more exasperation. "Well, your title would suit you better if it were changed to the majorly annoying general. My report is not due until next month, Kura was supposed to present today, but she was caught. I am a spy, so I have permission to leave whenever I please from your adoptive father. Also, those cookies are mine and you know it. Stop stealing my food. I am in the middle of something incredibly important, so I will call you later. Bye." With that, she hung up and pulled her jacket over her head, as if doing so could salvage enough sleepiness to return her to her nap. 

"My, my, do you always sass your superiors?" Crowley asked, thoroughly amused by the conversation. A muffled yes came from the jacket. He chuckled. She sat up, irritated. "Well, one must be vigilant in my line of work. And it is impossible to be observant when tired." Her expression changed quickly from grumpy to horrified as she realized who she was addressing. Crowley chuckled again, responding with "How ironically true, little lamb. I am quite curious as to what you were going to present next month. Mind telling me a few key notes?" "Um, we-well, you. And Krul Tepes, Ferid Bathory, and a few other nobles that inhabit the city." Crowley raised his eyebrows and put both his hands on his hips. "Me? You have been spying on me?" Mai nodded, shaking slightly as she looked up at him, remembering the every detail about his general disregard for human life. He is going to kill me, she thought. "You are such a naughty little lamb! Trespassing was bad enough, but to know you spied on me and my allies... Tsk tsk tsk. And I was going to kill you quickly. What a shame your friend called..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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