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"What would I do with 1200, toast bagels?"___________________________________

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"What would I do with 1200, toast bagels?"

Mackenzie POV

"And...Done!" Val exclaimed, stepping back and admiring our laser for the Laser Fair. You might be wondering who I am now. I'm Mackenzie Mitchell, I go by Mack instead. I'm 15 years old and go to B.O.O.M.S, and my best friends are Val and Finch.

"That took a long time but was totally worth it," I said, wiping my forehead.

"High-Five!" Finch exclaimed, throwing a hand up. I sighed and turned to him.

"We've talked about this before Finch," I said, as he puts his hand down and looks away nervously.

"Whoa ! Sweet laser, what's it for?" asked a brown eyed boy. I suppose he's new since I haven't seen him around before AND he asked what's this laser for, everyone at B.O.O.M.S knows.

"You must be new, it's for the laser fair," Val said proudly.

"Not to be confused with the Laser Circus, which is next week and the Laser Pride Festival at he end of February," Finch explained.

"Looks like it's about, what 1200 nanometers," brown eyes said.

"It's 1400 nanometers new kid, what would I do with 1200, toast bagels?" I scoffed at him. He just shrugged his shoulders at my remark.

"Bagels, good one Mack, up top," Finch laughed, putting his hands up again. I groan in annoyance and looked at him.

"Stop being weird Finch," I groaned.

"High fives are for jocks, cartoon dogs, and for people who want the flu," Val finished. Finch, for the last time put his hands down and looked down.

"We won the Laser Fair last year and we're gonna win this year," I smirked at the boy.

"Challenge accepted!" He shouted causing Val, Finch, and I looked at him weirdly.

"T-T-That was something I use to say at my old school," he trailed off. Val, Finch, and I all looked at each other then back at the boy.

"You know what, never mind," he said, throwing both of his hands up. The bell rung and the 3 of us, including the boy walked to class.

"All right little geniuses, please enter the,"Think Space!" Mr.Belex said. I walked and sat at my table next to Val and Finch.

"Anyone who notices something different about me gets an extra 10 points!" He sang. No one said anything since no one was paying attention.

"Anybody? No? It's a new hair cut you guys! Thanks for looking right through me!" Mr.Belex whined.

"Ah, you must be one of my new students, what do you think about my hair cut?" He asked the boy.

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