Chapter 1

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"Jane hurry up! Your flight's gonna leave if you don't get your ass down here!" My mom yelled

"Shut up already mom! I'm coming!" I yelled back

Well let me catch you up on a few things, my mom didn't like the idea of me being a rogue for the rest of my life so she's sending me off to live with one of her many close friends. We were constantly moving because hunters were always after us and she didn't want me to be alone so now she's sending me off to go live with Susan...who's husband is an alpha and they live in Minnesota, while I am currently living in Arizona. Yup

Oh and I forgot one thing...I'm a werewolf, and no not the ones who change during a full moon and turn into giant wolf men and women, we turn into actual wolves. Usually because of rage and when we are challenged or feel territorial. My name's Jane if you hadn't noticed I'm 17 turning 18 in a couple of weeks, I have pitch black hair that goes just above my ass and yellow eyes.

My mom never explained to me why I had yellow eyes since it was very uncommon among us, she just said that it was a mutation of some sort that she didn't known the cause of. Though everytime I questioned her about my father she would be very vague, so being the Nosy Nancy I am I searched him and the odd thing was...nothing came up.

I have three tattoos, but I'm hoping to get more. The first one is Kurt Cobain's death date and it is located on the inside of my right wrist, the second was on the back of my neck and it was a marijuana sign, and the last one was a pentagram on the inside of my right wrist. I'm an atheist in case you're wondering and if you don't know the definition of it...I suggest you look it up.

I grabbed my bags and my record player was all ready in the car so all I had left was my bags and my typewriter. I got my typewriter and went down the stairs as fast as I could without trying to drop anything. I gave my mom a hug and a quick peck on the cheek before saying by and getting in my car. It was a rusty, old red Toyota sure it was made in 1967, but it still ran and it hardly had any problems so...fuck it.

I put all my stuff in the backseat and kept my record player in the passenger seat. I started the car and drove towards the airport.


At the airport

I got out of the car and somehow managed to get all of my things without dropping them. I walked in and went to the desk where the lady was sitting at to give her my ticket. I walked over to the nearest wall and pit all my stuff against it and called my mom to tell her that I had made it there safely, because she requested that I do.

The flight lady person said that my flight would be leaving in 10 minutes so I went and joined the line that was already forming. I went through security and boarded the plane. I sat down in my seat next to the window with no one else sitting beside me. I sat there for awhile just listening to my music and staring absent-mindedly out the window waiting for us to take off.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and looked up to see a guy who looked around my age staring back at me. "Hey, um...all the other seats are taken do you mind if I sit here?" He asked

"Um no, sure."

He sat down and told me his name, which was Ryan. He had bright red hair and blue eyes, and when I say red I mean red. He took out his own phone and headphones and started to play his own music through his headphones, which were now in his ears. "Oh, I forgot, my name's Jane." I said suddenly

"Nice to meet you...Jane." He said with a small smirk

"Nice to meet you too Ryan.

He chuckled a bit for some unknown reason and closed his eyes listening to his own music.


4 hours later

I started to feel sleepy and decided that I was going to have livid dreams. Livid dreams are the ones that you can control so...yah. I closed my eyes and my body kept trying to move in different positions but I refused to move and soon I was in a state of paralysis. It was normal for this to happen so after a couple of minutes I drifted off to sleep, dreaming about what might happen when I got to Susan's house.

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