Like Father, Like Son

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Chapter 1-

You know the saying like father like son. To most that is a complete load of crap, but to me. It is all true. I am Alex Jackson, like my father.

I wake up with a strange sensation. And the sound of… snoring? I sit up completely and look around, since when was there a Justin Bieber poster on my wall? “what the fu—“

I look to my side to see a blond headed girl asleep next to me. I calm down a bit knowing that I was not kidnapped, but was in some poor girls room, that just happens to snore.

It does not end there. Why did I not leave last night? Was this from a drunk night? But the only thing I could think of was, thank god that this is not my house. But yet again…

That was when the man of the house walks in the room. “Why are you not up yet darling? You have—“ Oh shieeet!

“Why the fuck are you in my house!?” I jump out of the bed, and realise that I have absolutely nothing on, and the blond headed girl wakes up and screams.

“shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!” I say as I try to cover myself up and find my jeans at the same time.

With luck not on my side, I find my jeans right next to the raging father. “SHIT!” I yell. “What were you doing with my girl you son of a bitch!?” he fumed as he threw a shoe at me.

How dare he speak about my mother like that! But this is not the time to be complaining or throwing profanities back at him. Did I even have boxers on last night, or are they in my jeans? I ask myself. Today is just not my day.

“Answer me!” he yells throwing another shoe at me. I look around frantically, window, window. I need a window! I spot a window above the messy bed that the girl was sitting in crying.

I jump on the bed and try to open it, “I’m sorry Alex. I didn’t mean to take advantage of you! I’m sorry!” she sobbed. “Take advantage of me!?” I asked the girl, I don’t even know her name! “I thought I was the one taking advantage of you!”

The father of the girl, ran forward at me, “Come here you little pr—“ The girl got out of the bed, luckily in some undergarments and ran towards her father, “Daddy no! He had nothing to do with this! I made him. H-he was drunk, and I, I” her father pushed her away.

“I don’t want to hear it Natasha! I am going to beat his skull in!” And yet I was still fumbling with this lock!

He grabbed the baseball bat, that just happened to be next to her bed and raised it ready to swing. “Holy shit!” The mother of Natasha was now also in the room and all you could hear are the both of them screaming. This is a total cliché.

Finally I got the lock open. I jumped through the window just as he swung the bat, shattering the small glass statue that was balancing on the window sill.

Thank God this is only a one story house. I turn back and see Natasha’s dad climb out of the window as well, still baring the bat. “Shit!” I swear today is the day for the word ‘shit’. I turned towards their driveway noticing that my car was not there, and my keys were in the back pocket of my jeans. I ran one hand through my hair, not using two because I was still covering myself up with the other.

“Oh hell no!” I turn around and see him walking towards me, so I turn and start running, and surprisingly not he starts to run as well. As I am running people in their front gardens, people at windows and even people in vehicles driving by are staring at me, so being the smart ass I am, I go and wave at them all.

“How dare you touch my daughter in that way! Hell, how dare you even touch her!” he yelled advancing on me. When he was in range of me he swung the bat, almost hitting my head. Luckily I ducked just in time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2012 ⏰

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