The Gun and the Tunnel

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Once upon a time there was a man who had a gun in his pocket. Around the same time, there was a woman who owned a tunnel.

One day they met, and they decided to find out what happens when a gun enters a tunnel. So the man walks over to the woman's tunnel, and with her permission takes out his gun.

Wait, says the woman.

What?, says the man.

Use this, the woman says and hands him a Teflon bag. The man puts the Teflon bag over his gun, puts the gun in the tunnel, and pulls the trigger. Bang! it makes a loud noise.

The man removes his gun from the tunnel. There in the Teflon bag is a bullet. The woman thanks the man, and they separate.

There are different versions to the story, though.

Sometimes the Teflon bag breaks and the bullet travels through the tunnel. Sometimes the man doesn't use a Teflon bag. Sometimes the man doesn't even ask permission. But no matter what, the story of the gun in the tunnel has been repeated many times throughout history. And as a result of this story, we now exist.

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