Chapter 1: Back To Forks

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Disclaimer: I obviously don't won twilight. I just wanted to make this story because I would love to see these pairs.

Rosalie's POV
I've been alone for so long. I'd never admit it to anyone, but I hate being without my mate. Alice and Jasper found each other, Edward and Emmett found each other. Carlisle hasn't found his mate yet but it doesn't seem to bother him. Esme and I have a relationship but we're far from mates. I hope I find my mate soon. I want to find her and show her all the love in the world. Yes, her. After what happened to me in my human life I can never be with a man again. That's a story for a different time though. I have to go pack now.

Esme's POV
I don't show it often, but I'm quite lonely. I've been alive for almost 200 years, and the entire time I've been alone. Once Rose came around there was some romance there, but not a mate. I know she wants to find her mate so bad, I do too. I just hope we can both find our mates soon. I have to make last minute arrangements and pack though. We're finally moving back to Forks Washington. I feel like something is going to change though.

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