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27 year old Harry James Potter was just sitting in his office,working on paperwork when his best mate Ron bursted through the door.

"HARRY!,I just saw Kingsley in the hallway and he said there was a large number of dead people on the ministry doorstep!"

Okay what did he just say?


"He said that there were about 11 people who were supposed to be dead on the ministry doorstep and he's gonna bring them in here soon so we can give them some vertissum.We think there impostors obviously but you can't use poly juice on with dead peoples hair..........."

"Send them in quick," Harry said

5 minutes later

Sirius Black,Remus Lupin,Tonks Lupin,Fred Weasley and 4 more people who I don't know but one looked a lot like me.


my parents.



STOP, YOU DONT KNOW IF IT REALLY IS THEM!dont get your hopes up.

I conjured 11 wooden chairs and the bottles of vertissum from the closet.

Ron handed me a check list,I could see a look of hope in his eyes as he watched 'Fred' .

"Remus Lupin,S-Sirius Blackk,Nymphodora Lupin née Tonks,Mary Potter née Sheilds,Charles Potter,Lily P-Potter née Evans,James Potter,Paul Evans and Alexandra Evans née Wilconsin." I stuttered aloud.




The people who were like My aunt and Uncle.



"Drink this." Harry said pouring the vertissum into a cup and shoving it into Sirius's hand.

"When were you born?"

"November 2,1963"

So far so good.....

"Who were your best friends?"

"James Potter and Remus Lupin"


"I have always hated Peter pettigrew."


"Regulus Black"

Done,he he really is Sirius!!!!


"Your clear Sirius"

Sirius's face broke into a grin.

"So head auror?"


"I'll talk with you later I kinda got some things to do." Harry said jerking his head towards the others.


We're finished everyone is who they said they were.

"So how old are you now?"


"How are you head auror then?!"

Harry gave Sirius,Tonks,Remus and Fred a look that said it all.

They jumped up and high fived

"YES," Fred shouted

The others looked confused,

"Are we er, missing something?" Mary asked

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