From Horizon To Horizon - A Pirates Of The Caribbean Love Story

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The pub was filled with the stink of beer and sweat and opium smoke. The jolly sound of the hornpipe was played at an almost deafening level, but most people were too drunk to care.

Finn didn’t allow her crew to get drunk. She had many rules, and one of them was sobriety at all times. You never knew when you needed to be alert. Though her crew hated that rule, Finn was right. And the following events were about to prove it.

Finn drained her bottle of rum, enjoying the sharp tang as it slid down her throat. She jogged the arm of her first mate, Rebecca. “I think it’s time we were going, Becca.”

“One more drink, Captain?” pleaded Rebecca.

Finn nodded, reluctantly. “Join me outside when you’re ready. Can’t stand the din of this place anymore.” She got abruptly to her feet and walked out, repulsed by the lecherous glances her sashaying gait was attracting.

Outside, a soft wind was blowing. It felt beautifully cool on her hot face. She let her breath out and felt her shoulders relax. She hung around outside the pub for a moment, then started walking.

“Well, hello!” a familiar voice with a strong Italian accent said.

Finn whipped round, a hand on her sword. You could never be too careful in Tortuga. Finn found herself looking into the dark eyes of a woman. “Rosita? Is that you?”

“It certainly is, Finn. Fancy meeting you in Tortuga.” Rosita rolled her eyes and hugged Finn. “Good to see you. How are things?”

“Fine. How are you?”

“I’m just here to give my crew a break. The East India Trading Company has been hard on our heels for months now.”

Finn nodded sympathetically. “I’m so glad I’ve got my ship. We can outrun them easily.”

“Have you brought her here with you?” asked Rosita.

“Aye. I’ll show you, if you like.” Finn walked slowly over to where her ship was moored. She looked proudly at it. It was huge and powerful and the fastest ship in the Caribbean. Maybe even the world. She looked lovingly at its name, hand-painted on the side in gold letters. The Rising Sun. A name that suggested hope and strength and beauty. Well, at least, it did to Finn.

“She is beautiful,” agreed Rosita. “Although mine is superior, Finn.” Her voice was teasing.

Finn was about to make a witty reply when she saw something. Two dark, shadowy figures were clambering on board her ship. Finn’s hand automatically reached for her pistol and she started running towards her ship. Too late!

The mooring line was cast off and her ship was away without her. Finn stood, rooted to the spot, watching her ship slowly pull out of the harbour and disappear.

“Wasn’t that Jack Sparrow?” Rosita demanded. “The tall one?”

“I’ll kill him,” swore Finn. “When I catch up with him! Rosita, you have a ship?”

“Oh, Finn, no! My crew need a break, I told you.”

“I have a crew. Leave yours here, they’ll have a wonderful time. I need my ship back, I need to catch up with Sparrow. I need your help.” Words were tumbling out of Finn’s mouth. Her voice was desperate and the look in her eyes was pleading. “I’m begging you, Ros. Help me.”

Rosita sighed. “Very well. Get your crew. We’ll be off as soon as we can make ready.”

Finn beamed. “You’re a diamond, Ros!”


“Sorry about that,” Finn apologised. “I know it was a bit of a rush.”

“You still haven’t told us what’s going on,” Sophia said, bitterly.

The Rising Sun was stolen by Jack Sparrow,” Finn said, her voice spiky with anger. “And Rosita is helping us to get it back.”

“But Jack has The Black Pearl,” Rebecca remarked. “Why would he want The Sun? Oh, no offence, Finn. I know you think The Sun is the best ship in the world. But I’m sure Jack thinks the same about The Pearl, so…”

“I asked a few questions while the ship was being prepared,” Rosita said. “A pirate called Captain Hector Barbossa commandeered Jack’s ship.”

“So… You mean, he’s using my ship to chase his ship and I’m using your ship to chase my ship?” Finn asked, slightly confused.

“Sounds like it,” agreed Rosita.

“OK. Any more questions?” Finn said.

“Yes.” Josephine raised her hand. “Once we catch up with Jack Sparrow, what do we do?”

Finn grinned, evilly. “Well, once I would just have killed him. But now I think that’s far too kind. Once we catch Jack, I’m going to hand him over to the East India Trading Company and watch him hang. Nobody steals my ship and gets away with it.” She narrowed her eyes and glared into the distance.

From Horizon To Horizon - A Pirates Of The Caribbean Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now