Satan's Star

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Satan’s Star

She didn’t deserve it. She didn’t do anything wrong. Why did she deserve to die like that? Why did she deserve to be tortured like that? I can’t sleep anymore. I’m afraid that he’ll find me.

You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about? Well it’s, simple he cursed her. He ended her life. He destroyed her. Satan. Everyone says he’s fake, everyone says he doesn’t exist but they’re wrong. Satan, the demon who rules hell, killed her, he killed my girlfriend, Lauren.

On her 16th birthday she woke up with a star in a ring that looked as though it had been branded on her ankle. It stayed there for a month. Then exactly a day after that month, the ankle that had the star, broke. She had the cast on for an entire year. The day before her birthday the cast got taken off.

Again on her birthday she got the star on her shin. Again it stayed for a month. She broke her shin bone on the exact spot the star appeared. The exact same routine went on for a couple of years, the star making it’s way up her body. After her thigh, then pelvis, then hip had been marked and broken I decided to look it up on the internet. ’No Results’ it said. I looked at Lauren watching her examine the new place the star was. Her ribs. I didn’t understand the pattern though.

On the day she broke her ribs I couldn’t stand it. I ran back to my house and into my room and cried. I cried for hours. Days. I finally exited my room  and went to her house. I saw Lauren at the table picking at her breakfast. There were doctors running in and out of the room, sticking needles into her, making sure the brace around her chest was tight. For the entire year there were doctors and then the brace was taken off a day before her 21st birthday. We all woke up to celebrate her birthday. I went into her room first. She was sitting up on her bed crying grazing her finger over the new area of the mark. Over her heart.

And it hit me. It was in a pattern, it was climbing up her body to her heart.

She was going to die.

The star broke everything it was placed on and now it was her heart. I rushed to the computer and turned it on. I looked it up again and 1 result appeared. I hesitantly clicked on it and the page opened. It showed pictures of the mark on skin that people had, just like Lauren.

“The mark will appear on the 16th birthday and will find it’s way up the body to the heart. Once it has appeared there is no way of stopping it. The person will die in the amount of time that everything breaks.” I read. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. I slowly made my back up to Lauren’s room where she was still crying. I sat on her bed. “You know what’s going to  happen don’t you?” she said. I nod my head and I  notice that she knew as well. She wept and wept and wept. For days I stayed with her. She didn’t eat and you could tell because she looked like a twig. She started puking blood and bruises and cuts appeared out of nowhere. Her eyes had sunk into her skull and her hair began to fall out and become thin and crusty. We took her to the hospital and they gave her a bed to rest on.

It was the day before she died and I stayed with her, by her side.





Only 10 more minuets left to live. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Lauren slowly lifted up her head and gave me a weak smile.

“Y- you have t- to stay strong.” she croaked. But I shook my head. My girlfriend was going to die and I couldn't do anything about it. She looked back up at the ceiling and sighed. I looked at the monitor that was detecting the pace of her heart. I placed my hand in hers and she squeezed it.

“I love you.” she said not making eye contact with me. I suddenly stood up not being able to take it anymore.

“No. No don’t say that like it’s over. It’s not. You’ll be ok. Please don’t leave me. I won’t be able to live with myself knowing you’ll die and I didn’t do anything I-” I cut myself off smashing my lips onto her thin ones. I place my hands on either sides of her tiny face. Her lips work against mine and I pull away and look at her.

“It is the end. It is the end...for me it is but for you it isn’t. You have to move on. Find someone else to care for.” she says. My hands are shaking and tears are streaming down my cheeks. I press my forehead against her chest and close my eyes. I whimper and I feel Lauren’s hands place themselves on my cheeks. She pulls my head up. I look into her beautiful, sparkling blue eyes.

“I love you so so much.” she said.

“I won’t ever find someone else as special as you.” I said.

“I love you so much.” I added. I sat back down and closed my eyes. The beeping of the heart monitor began to pick up the pace and I heard the bed shaking. I shot my eyes open and I stood up. Lauren was shaking violently making no sound blood was spilling out of her mouth and she was just looking up at the ceiling.


 I walked over to her and put my hands on her head.

“Lauren? Lauren are you ok? Please stop shaking. Lauren? Lauren? LAUREN?!” I shouted and she began screaming. The tears started again.

“Lauren please. I love you. I love you. I love you.” I whimper. She stops all of a sudden and the heart monitor stops.

“No. No. No!! NO!!” I began to pump her bloody chest.

“Lauren, you’re not dead. You’re not dead. I love you too much. Don’t leave me.” I kept saying.  The lights began to flicker and I stoped pumping her chest. Words appeared on the walls written in blood. I took a step back to see what was being written. I felt a sudden pang of pain radiate through my heart. I screamed in pain and clasped my chest. I fell to the floor feeling my heart burn as though it was on fire. I looked up at Lauren’s body and she suddenly sat up.

“Lauren?!” I yelled. Her head began to turn but it kept turning. It went around the full 360 degrees.

“Lauren?!” I repeated. Her head suddenly turned to me and her eyes snapped open. The pain took over my body destroying my nerves. Her mouth opened and blood spilled out of it. The searing pain began to make me dizzy but I fought it. The blood sopped and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her mouth formed a smile to show her blood covered teeth. Her eyes rolled back to look at me and they were black and bottomless. I stared into her eyes not wanting to blink. Her eyes returned to dazzling blue eyes she used to have.

“I love you.” she said and just like that she fell back onto the bed and all the windows and glass shattered into a million pieces. My heart stopped hurting immediately. The lights went back to their normal form but the floor was a blood bath. I looked up on the wall to see the words:

Another victim’s life taken…

Was written in thick oozing blood that stand of animal carcass and at the end was the mark. The mark that killed Lauren.

Satan’s Star.

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