Truth, Lies and Youtube (PFL Sequel)

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***Rebecka's P.O.V.***

The bell rings signalling the end of class. I get up out of my seat, still dazed from my dream. It just seemed so real. I walk out of the class and to my locker. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jump a little. Turning around, I find Felix and Teresia with concern written across their faces.

"Rebecka, are you alright? You're shaking." Felix asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod.

"Yeah, but I had the weirdest nightmare." I say.

"Well, out with it." Teresia urges. I breathe shakily.

"Well, first we got kicked out of school for doing the Harlem Shake in the cafeteria. Then we went to a motel and Teresia and I helped Felix find love via eHarmony and we went to Italy to meet her. We went to school there but then Teresia pulled the fire alarm and we bolted. We all went back to Marzia, Felix's lover, 's house and her friend Maddy comes over for a sleepover. My father-" I pause to gulp back the tears that are threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"My father kidnapped us. By us I mean me, you two, Marzia and Maddy. Then, we are all in a cargo plane. I woke up in a dark room. My father comes in and he cut of my t-tongue." I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

"I remember the exact words he said to me. He said: 'This is it. I win. You lose.'" I wipe the tear off of my cheek.

"Wait, why would he kidnap us?" Felix asks.

"Ill tell you when I'm ready, okay?" I half-smile. They nod.

I grab my sketch book from my locker. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to art class." I say, closing my locker and walking in the other direction.

-in art class-

"Okay! This week's assignment is to draw a memory. Not just any memory, a memory that really means something to you." Our art teacher, Mr Kiel, tells us. I raise my hand.

"Yes, Rebecka." He replies.

"Can this memory be a person, maybe?" I ask quietly. I hear some kids snicker.

"Yes. Any kind of memory." He answers, I nod.

I start the drawing immediately. I remember every detail if him. His image is implanted in my brain and maybe drawing him will help get it out. I hear footsteps rush into the room.

"Ah, Stefano. Please take a seat." I hear Mr Kiel say. I drop my pencil and it lands on the ground, loud in the quietness of the classroom.

"Sorry Mr K. I was helping some freshmen get their lockers open. You know what they call me right?" He asks. My heart starts beating faster. Well, maybe he was actually Swedish but he was just Italian in my dream.

"The Locker Whisperer."



But it's 4 am where I am so I'm just gonna be happy on the inside. :)))))))))))) <a lotta chins.

Oooo Stefanoooooooooooo

The updates will be a bit slow but Maddy and I are finally back! (yay)



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2014 ⏰

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