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Most people want to be movie stars or celebrities. They want the fame and the fortune. It's the real deal people say, but I know that this is not the case. I have been there, I had the fame, and the fortune, 'everything', and it was not enough for me. I needed to go on the run, I needed freedom from the world around me, and that is exactly what I did.

My name is Katniss Everdeen; I am twenty-five years old. Almost six months ago my face was splashed across every television screen, magazine, internet article you could find. Every day consisted of photo shoots, television interviews, alongside the filmography that I was involved in. I was one of the richest women in America, I had numerous 'projects', houses, cars, even an aeroplane, but nothing made me feel whole. I decided that I was just going to get up sticks and go. Leave everything behind.

That night in my hotel room, with a bottle of hair dye, scissors, and colour contacts, I changed myself completely. My look, my life, and my name were left behind. Getting on the first bus that arrived at the station, before heading off towards the wilderness.

My end destination was in a small town just outside of St Louis Missouri. In the pouring rain, with only a hundred dollars to my name, I set off to the local cafes and bars looking for a job. I moved twice after that night, worried that someone would recognise me. Each time wishing I could stay, but knowing that if I was caught that would be right back in the spot light. Now, it just meant serving tables, in the local Waffle House to get by, making sure that the next customer in wouldn't realise who was passing them by.

I was now living in Wichita, Kansas, this being my third home in the past six months. Having only arrived the weekend before, I now had settled in and was working at the Waffle House across the road from the bus station in one of the quieter sub divisions of the city. I had just completed my first week of working in my new job. It was probably one of the smallest café I had worked in since going on the run, and I knew that I should be able to work here without any worries of people knowing who I was. Most of the customers seemed to be regulars, or truck drivers coming off the interstate for something to eat, far away from the world that I had just left.

The other waitress were all in their twenties as well, and most of them had been working here for some time, as they seemed to be very good with knowing what everyone wanted, and just came out with the plates before even going over to get the orders. I on the other hand, was new to the whole system and spent most of my time making up drinks orders which the girls continued to shout over in my direction.

Time went slowly, and the morning rush was just coming to a close, and then the lunch menus were starting to be used. It wasn't until that time that one of the other waitresses came over to speak to me.

"Hey, so you are new around here? Most people wouldn't pick this side of town to get a job?" The young waitress said as she looked around the restaurant.

"I'm not from around here." I answered as I continued to clean around the spotless coffee maker. I knew that the girl was only trying to find out information, but I couldn't risk telling her anything.

"Well, my name is Annie, and my friend over there, she works here too is called Johanna. There are a few other girls who work here; no one should cause you any trouble." She tells me, before seeing another customer come through the door. "Why don't you try that table and see how things go?"

I nod my head, grabbing my notebook and heading over to where the young family has now sat down. I find out that they are regulars on a Monday, due to their children having swimming lessons at the local pool not that far away. They are a chatty couple asking for my name, and my working hours in case our paths would cross over during the week.

After they had paid for the bill and left, I noticed they have left a twenty dollar bill lying on the table. I walked over to Annie, to tell her that they had left some money on the table.

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