2. New Troubles

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Just great. I have to go to a school which means new unnecessary transitions, new idiots, new teachers, new everything. I knew I wasn't going to the smart high schools in the city, I am not smart enough for them. I haven't been in a public school since the situation with my dad. It is almost the end of my junior year and I don't understand why I have to attend a public school now. It was a new school and a new life for me..

"Baby I'm enrolling you in Bass High School, it's a little crazy there but I know you can do it lil girl for Christ Sake you're going to be here for two months so deal with it!" my mother said getting off the phone.

"I don't care if it's April and I wouldn't care if it was June, you're putting me in a school that I didn't even know exist" I replied.

"Don't get smart mkay.." she said in a low tone.

"It's okay" I said correcting her.

"Shut up Destiny!"

Bass High School? I've heard of Central and Northwestern but never Bass High. Let my mother tell it, the kids were just as bad. Some girls had a tendency to fight new girls but I wasn't worried. I was worried about other things though. I had to make up new friends which I didn't like doing. I act like I have communication problems but it's just so people can get away from me. I could've sworn my best friend was attending there but we haven't talked in awhile. That would be so weird and funny if someone had the last name Bass in that school.

*2 days later

My mother enrolled me in the school and today I start. I still didn't find a point of going to school when the school year was almost over. I woke up at 6:45 and started getting ready. I had to be to school by 7:45 even though it doesn't start until 8:00. I put my box braids into a bun for today and put a purple polo shirt on with some khakis. The school colors were purple and gray. My mother was quick to get my uniform soon as the principal informed her about a 'strict' uniform policy. My mother dropped me off at the school and we went inside. It was somewhat beautiful and big with a lot of kids. It almost looked like one of them application schools but they definitely weren't. It kind of actually looked like Cass Tech but it only had 5 floors and it wasn't as many students. They had more than 2,000 students but this school had about 1,200 students. 300 students per grade. That's how the year is expected to start off but we all know it doesn't end with all 1,200 students. I didn't really get a tour of the school but I knew that much.

"Hello I am your principal Ms. Bass and I am happy that you have chosen Bass High School to be your home other than home itself, I am for certain you will enjoy it here!" The principal walked over to us and smiled. She was somewhat tall with long brown hair, she had a purple flower in her hair. She had LOUD heels on, that might be what made her tall. I looked closely at her purple buttoned shirt, it said her name under the BHS which standed for Bass High School. She was also wearing glasses but that didn't mean she needs them. By the way, unbelievable. How in the world does the principal have the same last name as the school? This city is a trip. I need to get out of here.

"My daughter Destiny White is a very smart child even though she can be very antisocial for personal reasons. This is her first public school in 3 years" my mother said.

"When she did go to school was she ever a troublemaker?" Ms. Bass asked in a worried way.

"No, she was always working and if she was ever in any trouble, it was because of someone else. Why do you ask so suddenly?" my mother replied.

"Because I need to know what I'm dealing with, I won't see nothing wrong with giving her a reality check" she widened her eyes and looked at me.

"Stop looking at me" I asked nicely. I was nice about it but I was dead serious. I didn't like Ms. Bass already. I bet someone thought or told her to remove the B from her last name...nevermind.

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