Her Journey

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    Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Marry.

     Marry always had this one dream that on this one special day in her life - time she would be able to accomplish .

     Accordingly Marry had to figure out some ways that she could pursue her dream .

     Meanwhile as Marry thought about her goal in life or in other words her dream she knew that in order to complete her goal she would have to talk to mommy and daddy about going to see one of the most beautiful waterfalls ever which is " Victoria Falls".

     After having a sit down with her parents, at that moment Marry knew that since she had her parents permission to accomplish her goal ( going to Victoria Falls ). Marry needed to start planning a few things.

     While planning Marry had to also think about , what to expect when she went to Victoria Falls. So at that being said Marry went to the library close to where she lived. Which was in Cluver city Julian. The name of the library is the Dixon library , to do some research on Victoria Falls . Some fun facts that Marry found out we're that the waterfalls we're named after Queen Victoria of Great Britain by a Scottish missionary .

     Also some more fun facts that she,  Marry found quite interesting " The local African tribes had a sacred fear of Victoria Falls and we're afraid to approach it." Last but not least, this waterfall is one of the natural wonders of the world .

    After finding out a little bit of information about the waterfalls Marry was now ready to start planning for trip.

    Marry had now set a date for her trip which was February 23, 2017. She would leave her parents house at 3:00 p.m and it would take at least an hour to arrive at Victoria Falls .

     So as Marry says " today is the day mom and dad " in a very happily and pleasant mood . When it had finally reached 1 p.m Marry began to get dressed . Finally it was time to leave. Marry gathered her things and said goodbye to her parents and left.

     In conclusion,  Marry finally arrived at Victoria Falls she had an amazing time she began to leave . When she arrived home she told her parents how much fun she had and the great experience .

                      The end

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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