The Promise Book

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Chapter 1

This is not a story about fairytales, magic castles, or the world on the other side of the closet. There are no unicorns, wizards, magical ponies, princesses, vampires, or an endless romance in Spain. Nope, none of that BS. This is the real world. The story of me, Charlotte Rulen, my book of promises, and my hell hole of a life.


My story starts in a grade 9 Spanish class. The Spanish teacher, Ms. Brefill is probably THE worst teacher in the entire world. Apparently it's her first year teaching and it definitely shows. Ms. Brefill looks young,, maybe 27 or 28 blonde, about 5'6". She's walking aimlessly around the classroom watching us "work" which no one is. Typical.

"Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno, silencio por favor!!" she says.

Everyone goes silent and she calls on a person in class for the answer. He doesn't know it (of course) so Ms. Brefill then proceeds to ask another person, and guess what? They don't know it either. I'm just sitting here, three rows from the left, three rows back knawing my lips staring blankly at my laptop screen.

Ms. Brefill is shouting over the noise of the class now.

"Open your textbooks to page 163 and do the activity #2 with a partner. Claro que si y clara que non."

One of the students named Matt yelled at her "Holy fuck do we have to?!"

The entire room went instantly silent and Ms. Brefill's face went bright red. And not your typical pinkish blush red either, the kind of red that your tongue turns after eating several red lollipops.

"Go out into the hallway for five minutes and think about what you said before you go down to the principal's office." Ms. Brefill whispered, surprisingly calm.

The rest of the class just stared at Matt in silence. The kind of silence that fills your room at 3:00 in the morning when you get up to go the bathroom . Everyone watched Matt walk out of the classroom with silent footsteps while the class followed him with their eyes.

"Well, now that that is over we can continue." said the Ms. Brefill.

The entire class began chatting again getting louder and louder until you couldn't hear the teacher... again.


So I bet you want to know what the promise book is. The promise book is a Journal type thing I have that I right all my promises in. For example on December 16th 1009 I wrote "I promise to never lie to my friends ever again and if I do I will have no friends left to count on." In the promise book I make a promise to myself, write a consequence, and if I don't do it I pay the consequence I came up with. Makes sense doesn't it? Well it does to me at least.

Let me explain a little about myself; I'm 14 years old and boyfriendless, I LOVE to dance and I have dance classes every day of the week except Wednesdays and the weekends. My best friends are Bridget, and Rose. I can't live without them except I'm kind of worried because I was originally best friends with Rose. There wasn't anything that could keep us apart EVER. We were "Biffles" and all that exciting shit. Then I brought Bridget into the picture. And Guess what? Bridget and Rose became the best of friends and I got left out of everything.

My parents are normal and are always on me about my grades. I swear it's like I get this whole talk about my "future" and getting "good grades" every fucking week. I am sooooooooo sick of it! Most times I just want to tell them to STFU but I can since they're my parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2010 ⏰

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