"You know what they say about hope it breeds eternal misery"
"How lucky I am I to have friends that making saying goodbye so hard"
"3 Words 8 Letters say it and I am yours forever"
" One day I will close the book and never open it again"
"I left you so many times I don't why I keep coming back every time "
"Why do I waste every minute trying to re-think my actions trying to take back what I did when I did it for a reason and you didn't care"
"I come back thinking things will change but they never do"
" I cry myself to sleep most nights, I think too much to the point my brains explodes, I have anxiety attacks where I just can't do it anymore, but you know what you wouldn't know because everyday i wear that same smile, and don't let anyone know that I am breaking down in side every time a minute goes past"
"I could go years passing by an issues, but I will never forget it, because I am scared with it forever"