Letters to God

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Monday, February 10, 2014 9:56 am

Dear God,

I've been thinking a lot lately and I could really use some advice. What do you do when you hurt the ones you love the most? Because I sure as hell have no idea.

Recently one of my best friends, we'll call her Mary, and I have been really upset at each other. The worst part is that it's over a boy. A stupid boy who only wants to rip our hearts in two and feed off of our pain and sorrow. I've been too upset to speak to her and personally I don't want to.

She tells me that she loves me and that she cares about me but she still continues to crush my feelings. Sometimes I just think about taking her out of my life, because like my brother once said, "If the ones that you love cause you pain, remove them from your life no matter how much it hurts. Because in the end you no longer will suffer." Should I just remove her?

Why doesn't she listen to me when I tell her that he's no good? Like they always say "Sisters before misters" right?

I love Mary more than I've ever loved any of my other friends. But seeing her talk to Him just makes me feel as if I'm being punch in the stomach repeatedly until I puke.

Why does he have to bring me so much pain? why can't he just leave me and Mary alone? Why are boys so mean and uncaring? Why won't you help me God? Are you even up there? Can't you feel the amount of suffering that I'm going through?

I guess not.

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