I had fallen in love with you from the second I stepped in the room.
I stole those 5 euros.
I hate how perfect all of my friends are, and how ugly they make me look.
I feel a true sense that if I commited suicide, people would get over it in a matter of days.
I sometimes slap myself when I really cant focus.
I'm strangely good at cheating on tests.
I feel like I'm going to cry every time somebody of authority yells at me.
I'm scared of relationships becuase I imagine senarios where the person I love falls in love with somebody else.
I think that some of my close friends are sluts but, regardless, I genuinely love them.
I'm 4 days clean of self harm as of this moment.
I'm scared of the dark, heights, deep water, clowns, bugs, and guys.
I sometimes want to cry when people randomly don't respond to my messages.
I think it would be rude to say that I'm popular, even though I think I am.
I find unfairness angering and it makes me disgusted.