My Hot Possesive Alpha Mate

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Beep beep beep

My head instanrtly snapped up at the spound of my alarm clock. Now normally I'm as grumpy as any normal person in the morning but today is extra special. I jumped to my feet and headed to the bathroom for a nice long bubble bath. Twenty minutes later I came out with a small white towel wrapped around me and another wrapped around my still dripping wet hair. I went into my walk in to pick out an outfit today. Let's be a bit rebellious today. Now the reason I say let's be rebelious is because my normal day to day school outfit consists of a t-shirt, converse, hoodies and jeans. I walked to the back of the closet where I kept my more "social" clothes as my dear old mother would say. I picked out a pair of ripped jeans, a purple tank top, black leather ankle boots and a leather jacket. I walked out of the closet with the clothes that I had piicked and set them on my bed. I went into my underwear drawer and picked out some lacy underwear for today. It was a black bra with matching panties that were lined with lace at the edges. I wore the underwear and then put on my outfit. Time for the hair. I blowdried my long brunete hair and let it hang lossley around my face and down my back. I then applied some mascara, eyeliner and some red lipstick. I lokked at my rerlection and sighed. I don't understand what I did in my pat life to make the moon goddess make me so ugly but hey maybe ill be lucky for once and my mate won't mind. I already know what I want in a mate. A cute little smart nerdy guy who loves me with all his heart. "Hey beautiful can I come in?" "Lukey!!!" I threw the door open to find a tall, tough loking dude with spikey brown hair and his arms wide open and a giant smile on his face. I instantly ran in to his arms. For a hug. He picked me up and spinned me all around. "What are you doing home," I asked as he put me back down on the ground. "Well we were gonna come back next week but I begged and begged and begged to conme home today so I could be here for my little sisters birthday." My smile was so wide I think I actually stretched my mouth wider. "Hey, wait a minute turn around for your big brother to see." I spun around in my outfit wih that wide smile still on my face. "You look beautiful Jesse, maybe a little too beautiful, maybe a little too seventeen." "I am seventeen you idiot." "No actually I'm serious I think you shoulkd change back into one of your hoodies before we leave." And the dumbfuck actually did looked serious. I smacked him against the arm making him chuckle at my reaction. "What was that for?" he asked trying to keep the smile of his face."You want me to look ugly, on my birthday." "Well it would make my job a hell of a lot easier if you were." I smacked him again. "Shiesh woman, calm down will you. Are all seventeen year olds this abusive?" he asked rubbing his arm in mock pain. "Am not ab-" "If you smack me again I'm not giving you your present." I droped my hand mid sentance and gave him the fakest smile I had ever given in my entire lkife. "Has anybody ever told you what an awesome big brother you are?" "Atta girl." He smiled and gave me a pat on the back. "Now come on you don't wanna be late on your birthday now do you?" he gave me a kiss on the cheek and then turned to go back downstairs. "Luke," I called as he was about to walk down the stairs. He turned around rto face me. "I missed you bro." "I missed you too lil sis." He smiled and walked bvack down the stairs. Luke had been away for the past year and a half to have his beta training with the future alpha. We talked over the phone everyday but it wasn't th same as having him here wuith me. Luke was like my best friend and my father rolled into one. He protected me from everything he could (even if it was sometimes without my consent or knowledge) and he was there for me whenever I needed him. Even growing up Luke and mines relationship. was prettey cool but I gues me idolizing every single thing he did made it easier. "Jessica come on!" I quickly grabbed my sling bag qand ran out of my eoom where.I knew Luke was waiting for me in the kitchen. I found him in the fridge stuffing his face with left over pizza and. Gulping down orange juice like hed been in the freaking desert which he peobably had. "Hey Luke, what new stuff did you guys learn over the last three months?" He'd normally tell me the stuff everyday and hed even send me videos of what they were doing but over the last few months he'd been extra busy. "You know I don't understand you, your a good fighter most probably better than most of the guys I know which is saying a lot, your good in most situations that don't include you and yet you don't wanna be a beta or a general or a soldier." Here we go again. "You know shed never allow it. If it were up to vher shed stay beta so you wouldn't have too band I just don't wanna dissapoint her." "I'm just saying, dad would have been proud and so should she." He drank the last of his juice and went out to the car. I gave a long tired sigh. Family blows sometimes. I wlked out to the car and got inside the front passenger seat. "Ill show you the stuff we did sometime later okay," my brother said after sometime of being silent. "Your the best." "So how's school going?" He asked starting up the car and driving out of the drive way and into the direction of school.

"Nothing seems that different from last time I was here." "Nothing really is." My mind suddenly came to a realization as I noticed Luke stop the car."Hey, whers Jake?" "Why do you miss him?" he asked wiggling gis eyebrows in a suggestive manner. "Yeah totally," I smiled shocking him with my reaction,"as much as I miss shit." "Good one." "Thank you, I learn from the best." Now to clearify what just happened let ne explain something. I have an older and he has succesfully and sometimes regretfully taught me three thingss. Sarcasm, blackmail and the ability to pin down a guy twgice my size un ten secends (the bigger ones take 15). Both my brother and I got out of thge car and walked side by side to the school building. "Wow I can practically feel every chick in a five mile radius swooning." "That just proves how hot I am." Luke smirked at one girl and winked when she gave him a flirtatious wave. "No I think it just proves how little taste and self respect they have. If only they new how much of a gay fuck you were." "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you since it is your birthday." Okay everyone was full blown staring at us now. I mean really do these people have nothing better to do."Hey you know what I think ill just go meet up with Ashley ok. You should go get your schedule and stuff anyway." My brother gave me a knowing smile and walked down the hall to our right to admin. Luke knew how much I hated people staring at me. It made me feel like they were laughing or gossiping about me so I just avoided normal people all together. I went to my locker and took out all the books I needed for morning classes before shoving my bag into my locker and closing it. "Is it the light, are my eyes betraying me or am I just dreaming," I heard a very familiar femalke voice saying behind me. "Just stop, please just don't say," I said as I turned around to face her mischevious smirk. "What are you talking about you look great, I mean sure you could use a bit more skin here and there but you look hot." I shook my head at the brunnette girl infront of me. Ashly Raymond is a pure dissapointment to all her blonde namesakes cause let's face it the girls a brunnette bitch. She was a badass chick and had she had more tolorance for stupid people she would have been the most popular girl at this school. "So any tingles yet?" She linked her arm in mine and we walked down the hall to our first class. " Calm down it hasn't even been a day. I mean your turned seventeen three moonths ago you havnt found your mate." "You know what you are completely right we shud just fuck this whole thing and just go lesbo. We'll be each others mates. Just you me and destiny." She put herhand over her heart as if to be romantic. "Baby are you sure." "I'm sure that I love you." We were speaking like those people in those sappy cliche as fuck movies. We looked at each other and burst into laughter. "Take a picture it'll last longer," Ashly snapped at one girl who had been staring at us one second too long. The poor girl scurried away faster than a rat on a high. "You are a bitch you know that?" "Thank you," she replied giving me her sweetest smile. "So I heard Luke and Jake were back, is that true?" Seriously these people are fast, even I haven't seen Jake yet. "Dude, I swear the chicks at this school should take up journalism. Where did you even hear that?" "From Stacys bobblehead barbies. They were talking about it as if Shakespear was coming back to life." "I doubt they even know who Shakespear is." "I'm sure they'd think his some hot guy or something," she said in a flat unimpressed tone. I laughed at my friend facial expression as she tried to comprehend why a person would dgrade herself like that (her words not mine). Now I could deal with people that were........mentally slower but Ashly on the other hand is really disgusted by them or let's say she finds them less usefull. Both of us like being surrounded by people who are acrtually about somthing even if your aren't the smartest person but atleast you should be able to do something. "So is it true?" she asked again as we went into the classroom. School hadn't started yet so everything was still in chaos. Some people were standing around talking, while the joicks were even passing a football all around the class while others were chating in their desks oe doing somekind of work. Ashly and I went to sit at the back of the class in the last row. "Why so interested in my brother and the alpha boy all of a sudden?" I asked her as I sat down. "Since I'm the only one who doesn't know them." "Oh yeaaahh, I forgot about that. Well they are back, for the rest of their senior year.".She took out her ipod and put one ear phone in one ear so she could hear what I was saying with her other ear. "I'll introduce you sometime.". "Ill be the one to see what the fuss is about." I laughed. "Oh wow, trust me there's not much to see." The bell rang making everyone fall into their classes. They all kept talking and gossiping and talking. Ashly and I were talking and laughing when all of a sudden I smealt the most intoxicating scent i had ever smelt in my life. I snapped my head up to get a better look at where the smell was coming from. I saw the most beautiful but oddly familiar face looking back at me. "Mate," he whispered the words out in a breathy tone and I felt my heart clench in happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2014 ⏰

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