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So, you think growing up with a name like Hinkleblab is easy? Well, it's not. I've had to live my whole life wondering, over and over, every day, why would someone name their kid 'hinkleblab'. Well, I don't even know who called me that, for a start. And the answer of why that is my name has come to me at last.

You see, I grew up jumping from one dead-end foster home to the next, from dirty, grimy, orphanages to others like it. My life sucks. But because of the parents I don't even know, my life has sucked even more. And it's all because of my name.


What kind of a name is Hinkleblab? Well, to be perfectly honest, my name is Mark Hinkleblab Anderson, but at most of the orphanages I've been to they name you by your middle name. But, when one orphanage gives my name to another orphanage or to a foster home, it goes across as Hinkleblab M Anderson.

So, I try to convince people that my name is actually Mark, but people still call me Hinkleblab and make fun of me. I mean, I don't even understand. People with names like 'Doofus'and 'Blarb'don't get made fun of. They're the ones who make fun of me.

But the day I found out why my middle name is Hinkleblab was one of the most interesting days of my whole 12 years. It was the day I got a family.

I was stuck in a prison-orphanage, I mean, called 'the polka-dot kids centre'. I was sitting alone at lunch, avoiding society, keeping my head down so I wasn't noticed, when someone disturbed my peaceful quiet in the corner of the cafeteria. They sat across from me at the two person table I was sitting at.

"Come to make fun of my name?" I asked the person, still not sure who they were.

"No, I just came to sit. No one else would let me." The voice said. It was a girl.

"Well, what makes you think I'm going to let you sit?" I said, looking up to see a girl about my age, maybe a bit younger, staring at me with her bright green eyes.

There was a silence. She looked a bit upset at my comment.

"Oh, fine. Sit here if you want to." I said, exasperated. She sat down.

"What's your name?" She asked me.

"Mark. Mark Anderson. What's your name?" I said politely. I guess she was trying to make small talk.

"I'm Elena Sidmon. And you're that boy they always call 'Hinkleblab'." She said. "I wonder why they call you that!"

"They call me that," I said, "because that's my middle name. Are you new here?"

Elena smiled jokingly. "Yes. And that's a terrible middle name." She laughed. Seeing the look of disgust on my face, she stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry, Mark, but it's just too funny. I'm not one to talk, my name isn't that much better. My middle name is Susan. But, I suppose that's not that bad. I mean, no one even has to know your last name, right? But then again, they all know it. How does everyone know your middle name? Well, I guess they all call me Susan, so we must all be called by our middle names. Am I right, Mark?" She said.

"You talk a lot." I mumbled.

"Yes. Have you got a problem with that?" Elena said. I was silent.

"I guess not." She said. "So, do you have any siblings? Any family members left? I haven't. My parents are dead and I don't have any siblings."

"Me too. Both parents gone, died when I was less than a year old, and I have no siblings." I said quietly.

"Oh. Yeah. I could be your family! We could be like siblings!" She said enthusiastically.

"Um, yeah, sure! Why not!" I said. A family at last! The day had come. We sat in awkward silence.

"Well, I guess you're middle name is 'Hinkleblab' after the diaper brand. And, I know that's not that great, your parents must have been lunatics, but at least now you know why!" Elena told me. I smiled.

I felt happy for the first time in years. Two wishes came true in one day; I have a family and the reason why my name is Hinkleblab.

The end.

Nope never mind.

This is not "the end". This is only the beginning. Nothing has an end, so why say "the end" when I finished writing? Mark's life went on in my imagination so, I can't put the end because it's not.

I could, but that would be implying that Mark died right after, and that it was the end for him, and that's not how I imagine it. Even though, after he died that would still not be the end for him, that's still what it would be implying.

The end.

Of this paragraph.

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