His Regret

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His Regret

Man desperately knock on the door again and again, his hair look mess up, his eyes looks red and puffy with dark circle underneath it, like he hasn't sleep for a days. He roughly run his hand though his mess up hair and once again knocks the door with little force.

Slowly door was open, and there stood a same old lady smiling evilly at him and said, "You came sooner than I thought Mr. Lucian".

"Look I know what I've done with your granddaughter is unforgivable but please help me, I don't know what is happening to me?" he said with his pleading voice, gone previous arrogance and pride now he looks like a miserable man.

"You are becoming Monster that's what is happening" she said with her cold voice and glare him as she continue, "do you think I would forgive you this easily after what you've done to my granddaughter, then you still hasn't learn anything"

He hang his head low and look at the ground in regret, "I have learn my lesson Adriana, please forgive me" he paused as he kneel down on the ground in front of old lady and continue, "I want your granddaughter forgiveness please"

Adriana smirk and shook her head denying, "You think you learn but Deleon, you hadn't learn anything yet, this is just a beginning"

Deleon slowly raised his head and look at her, "what do you mean?"

But Adriana ignore his question and asked, "Do you really want my granddaughter's forgiveness?" she raised her eyebrow and she cross her arm across her chest.

He slowly nod his head and whisper, "yes"

"fine now stand up and come inside" Adriana invite him in and nod him to come inside, for a minute he looked shocked but he slowly stand up and went inside as she closed the door behind.

He turned around and asked, "Where is she?"

Adriana glares him with the same hatred of fire in her eyes but nod towards the upstairs. They both went upstairs and as soon as they reach one of the rooms, Adriana whisper almost like dead, "she is inside, open the door"

Deleon feel strange and odd like something is not right, and when he open the door and went inside, he stumble back with shock. There laid a girl unconscious and on an IV, same beautiful girl once he take advantage of and humiliate in front of everybody now she is lying on the bed pale and almost lifeless, all because of him. Sharp pain of regret course thought his heart like a knife, he is responsible for her condition, and he feels guilty for the first time in his life.

He is guilty because he never thought that his mistake can destroyed somebody's life even though he is cruel and heartless, he never want this for her, he never intended for her to suffer like this, she is such a simple beautiful innocent girl and he ruin her, he is now finally accept the fact that he is truly a monster.

"Go ahead and ask for her forgiveness if you can" his trend of thought was interrupted by her harsh voice.

"What happened? - How?" his voice crack and he couldn't complete his sentence as he look at the girl, that he ruin completely.

Adriana slowly move forwards towards her granddaughter and grab her hand softly and look at her with broken expression, "she try to end herself" small drop of tears roll down from her eyes as she whisper softly, "she is such a kind heart girl always helping other, always cheering and always happy and love her life, she is light of my life after her parent dead, I never thought I would see this day, I lost everything....." she paused and kiss her granddaughter's hand softly, she look at her granddaughter's pale face which look so peaceful but in reality she knows her granddaughter Drina was hanging on a thin line of life and dead.

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