「75th period」: comrade time

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犬飼 彩葉
student no. 29

season 2 episode 16-17

It was easy to get back to the flow of things, to pretend that everything's alright and that nothing ever happened during the break.

Well, what wasn't easy though, was to act as if we were fine after hearing our teacher confess to us about his past.

"So...What?" Terasaka broke the ice, "It ain't like you to be callin' us all together like this, Nagisa".

"There's something I'd really like to discuss" the blue eyed boy admitted.

"What is it?" Hara asked in a motherly tone.

"I don't know if it's even possible," Nagisa trailed off, "but I want to find a way to save Korosensei's life".

I didn't like where this was going.

"Save it?" Masayoshi asked.

"You mean a way to keep Korosensei from exploding come March?" Mimura clarified.

Okano spoke up as well, "Where do we start?".

"I don't know yet" Nagisa answered. "I don't know, but..."

"I'm in!" Kurahashi raised her hand. "I wanna look for tons more creepy-crawlies with Korosensei".


"If you hadn't said something, Nagisa, I would have" Kataoka walked forward. "I want to repay him".

"Our assassination work had gotten us far enough" Hara agreed.

"Let's tackle a whole new challenge!" Sugino cheered.

"Like launching a new series!" Fuwa said.

"We'll regret it if we don't" Okano added. "We should do what we can, at least".

"You guys..." Nagisa sighed in relief.

"Amen to that Okano!"

Like I thought. I really didn't like where this was going.

"I hate to spoil the mood but... I'm against the idea" Nakamura stated firmly.

I took a glance at Karma who didn't look too happy about it either.

"Huh?" The group who bundled up in the middle looked back at her.

"Our bond is one of assassin and target. Korosensei said as much. And I really treasure the bond we've built over this past year. But that's exactly why I think we have to kill him" she told them.

"Nakamura-san..." Nagisa looked at her in awe. "You're against it?".

"You say you wanna save him, but how, exactly?" Terasaka's squad stood up.


"It's not like we haven't thought about it!" Yoshida countered.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now