1. Only the start

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It was that one day...that one day I had walked in and everybody stared because everybody knew. Everybody knew what had happened but one thing they didn't understand was how it happened. I went through the day with questions beyond question being asked about why and how. I was happy to talk about it, it was just the sake of him, the abuse he would get for it, the names he would get called. This is my story.

Friday, 6th period, 3:30pm there was me, me shaking to go home, me praying to god that when I walk into my house everything will be okay but in reality it never happens. Everyday at this time I pray for the same thing over and over but it never happens, I just hope that he can make it better. The bell goes but to me it sounds like hell sirens calling for me. I manage to pick myself up out of my seat and walk out the door...then I suddenly feel a wave of people glaring at me as I slowly exit the biology classroom which by the way stinks like rotten vinegar. I pretend to ignore it all as I shove my way past the group of boys shouting abuse about him. I reach the bottom of the stairs and walk out the main doors and it feels like I am in the middle of a mosh pit, I feel like everybody around me knows about him. I start breathing heavily and start walking faster as I swiftly speed down to the bus park...I got home eventually after a 35 minute bus journey surrounded by constant glares and sniggering. I stand at the front door praying to god that everything will be normal and hoping that she will be calm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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