a master and his butler

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it was a rather boring day at the phantomhive manor  ceil decided it would be a good idea to take a day off from his normal work to spend some time with Sebastian. Ceil was in his study relaxing while Sebastian was finishing his work around the mansion. He was eagerly waiting for his day with the butler. “I’ve been really attached to Sebastian lately” he thought “ I really like him and how he protects me and makes me smile”. He shook the thought out of his head almost  as soon as it entered “I can’t like him like that he’s a guy besides I am to marry Elizabeth. Still deep in thought  Sebastian opened the door “are you ready master” he said eagrly. “I cant wait this shall be fun I rarely get time alone with the master also he looks cute in his dress coat” the butler thought.  Awoken from thought ciel replied “of course I can’t wait” “then I shall get a coach ready” he said smiling. “if only he knew my true feelings” the butler thought. It was night and the park Sebastian picked was lively with couples laughing and the wind blowing as the leaves float gracefully through the air. “everyone looks happy ceil” said “you are happy too aren’t you master” he replied flashing his beautiful  smile. “he seems so nice and gentle” ceil thought before replying. “of course but not like them” he said looking at a couple laughing and holding  hands. “we can be like them” Sebastian said grabbing ceils hand .Blushing ceil said “what are you doing were in public” inside ceil didn’t care his hands were so warm. Sebastian seemed a little hurt by the comment but want the best so he let go but the distance didn’t last long because as soon as their hands departed ciel grabbed Sebastian’s hand and said “Sebastian… please don’t let go I really like you and when you’re around me I almost forget all my problems”. Stunned by the remark Sebastian let his feelings get the best of him and pulled ceil into the shadows  and leant down and gave him a soft kiss surprised ceils widened and Sebastian pulled back “I’m sorry master are you angry” Sebastian said softly. “No I’m surprised you feel that way is all” ceil replied “in that case” the butler said happily leaning down to give ceil another kiss this time ceils eyes were closed and he kissed back”. Sebastian pulled back and said “its getting late master we should get back to the mansion. The were silent until they got to the coach when Sebastian said ceil “I love you” ciel almost instantly replied “ I love you too” he said before sebastion leant down to give his master a third kiss. The whole ride to the mansion they were silent holding hands they were just happy to be together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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