This is Why we Die: The History

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This was going to just start off as bunch of short stories but this story is way to deep and complicated to be short. Once I have done some thorough planning and world building, I will continue. There will be no updates for a very long time.

Long, long ago; longer than I can even describe and longer than you can even imagine, Fysi and Roloi ruled Imperium. Imperium is the realm of supernatural beings that exist outside of what humans know as the universe. Fysi, who is better known as Mother Nature to humans, was a skilled artist who created various objects and figures that reflected the realm in which she resided. Roloi, who is better recognized by the name Father Time, was the leader of this realm, who ensured all happenings were well-documented, categorized, and controlled.

There were many threats and oppositions the couple had to overcome to keep stability and safety to their domain. They fought countless wars against the power hungry Demons of Chaos who threatened to take over Imperium.

The last war before their time of peace was a strange one. One demon sided with Imperium and fought bravely alongside Fysi and Roloi to overthrow the Kingdom of Chaos. This time Chaos was subdued for good.

When the final war was over, Fysi became pregnant with a child. In her excitement, she determined that she would make a lovely gift to welcome her future child to Imperium. Thus, she dove back into her artistic works. But this time she created a project so magnificent that when she completed it, she considered it her masterpiece. Many beings in Imperium would gather to watch her as she worked day and night, carefully piecing her previous projects along with new designs into the clear heavens of their world. As she worked diligently and meticulously on even the smallest of details, many curious observers noticed that what she was creating seemed almost lifelike. However, when they paid closer attention, they realized the lifelike movements of her creation were controlled by Fysi's own imagination.

While Fysi worked on the gift, Roloi brought order and restoration back to the war struck land. He appointed the demon who had been the main reason for Imperium's victory, as his apprentice and reclassified him with the rare and honorable title of "Angel." For his brave deeds and impeccable loyalty to Imperium, Roloi wanted to eventually put his apprentice as the third most powerful authority in all Imperium.

During this time of peace, Imperium functioned like a Utopia in its purest form. But like all good things, those days would gradually come to an end.

To be continued...

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