A Prequel.

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Expected Letters.

The Klemperer family were a relatively ordinary family, at least as ordinary as you could get for a married witch and wizard with twin children.
Mister Klemperer was a German wand maker of quite some renown, though he spent more time giving speeches about the theory of wand making to other wand makers than actually making wands anymore.
Due to this the family found themselves travelling around Europe quite a bit, which is how Mister Klemperer met his now wife, Missus Klemperer, an English witch who used to sell wand making supplies to wand makers, which is how the two met, now she looks after the twins, Jules and Jorge while the family travels.

The twins, Jules and Jorge spent their whole lives together, although they were not indentical the pair shared many traits and similarities that they could easily have been mistaken as identical, if not for being the opposite sex.
The pair were like well operating clocks, theirs eyes ticked and tocked as they examined their surroundings, each of them walked with a precision where their shoes would click on the floor in unison, it is the twins where our story begins.

Their mother awaited by the family homes front door, itching with excitement as Jules and Jorge sat in the kitchen, Jorge eating his cereal with his spoon in his left hand, his arm linked with his sister as she used her right hand to guide her spoon, each taking a spoon full at the same times, unaware of their mothers excitement until the moment two letters came through the letter box and she shrieked with excitement bringing the letters to the twins as she intetupted their breakfasts with an excited.

"Oh children, open them! Open them! I remember getting my letter! It's finally time!"

Jorge and Jules simultaneously looked to each other, shrugged to each other in confusion and then opened their letters, unfolding their letters to read them, looking to each other again and then looking to Mrs Klemperer as they said in perfect synchronization.

Jules: "Mother, we need to go shopping, we're going to Hogwarts school."
Jorge: "Mother, we need to go shopping, we're going to Hogwarts school."

Each passing her the letters back to their mother before continuing their breakfasts.

In her excitement Mrs Klemperer snatched the letters as she began rushing to get ready.

"Hurry up with your food! We must get you both to Diagon alley!"

Calling up the stairs to her husband.

"Have you finished in that shower yet?! I told you what day it is today! Chop chop darling!"

Mister Klemperer came down the stairs a towel wrapped around his waist, his wet dirty blonde hair flat against his head and his square jaw line resembled the twins, they spoke like their mother but looked like their father he smiled at the kids and told them.

"Yes busy day! I'll be able to catch up with Ollivander."

His eyes looked at the clock and he said.

"Meet in the living room, ten minutes and we'll use the floo network to get there."

The whole family were ready to leave by the fireplace, Mrs Klemperer leaving first as she stood inside the fireplace, threw down the dust as she announced clearly.
"Diagon alley."
Making a good example for the rest of the family who followed close behind, Jules and Jorge leaving together.

A wand so strange.

The Klemperer family made their way through Diagon ally picking up two of everything, text books, notebooks, spell books, quills, cauldrons until they had only last thing to buy, a wand each.

Mister Klemperer had left the family to talk with his old friend Ollivander, debating which wand cores were superior. Knowing Ollivanders wand store would be an impractical place to try and buy a wand inbetween the debating Englishman and German, Mrs Klemperer took the twins further into Diagon Alley, to a smaller less well known wand store. "Kamoba's Wands" the sign outside read, though less well known, none had left Kamoba's wands disappointed, so Mrs Klemperer led the twins inside the store, a small bell ringing as they came inside.

Taking a step inside the quiet dusty store the three were taken by surprise when a loud bang came from a nearby wall! Several boxed wands flew into the air, landing with a clatter on the floor as two wands burst out their boxes and began to vibrate on the floor!

Mister Kamoba, a man similar in age to Mister Klemperer came bursting out the back room, his own wand in hand as he looked at the three wild eyed.
"Blasted hooligans! I'll turn you into rats and feed you to the ducks for messing up my store you little sh..."
He frowned as he looked at the three who were equally as shocked as himself.

Walking close to the twins he looked into their eyes and tilted his head curiously, looking to their mother, asking.

"First time buyers, yes?"

She nodded seeming more relaxed now the man had put his wand away.

The man span a full circle on his heels as he explained.

"The wand chooses the witch or wizard, but usually physical contact must be made... Except in the case of..."

His eyes fixed onto the two wands on the floor, walking to them and picking them up he sniffed each wand and continues.

"Except in the case of the rare Vine wands... Which often choose their wizard before physical contact... They're both unicorn tail hair cores... Seven inches long.. made from the same length of vine... So bizarre given you two are, I assume twins..
This was the male unicorn.."

He said, giving Jorge the wand, who held it in his left hand, then passed Jules the other wand to her right hand, finishing his sentence.

"And this from the female unicorn..."

He watched them with a frown.

"Well come on, give them a swish!"

Jules and Jorge looked to each other and simultaneously both gave a swishing motion from left to right, each wand shooting out a a small burst of energy, knocking the till off the desk.

Mister Kamoba slapped himself on the face in a facepalm.

"Of course I should have seen that coming! Swap wands you two.. wands bond better with the opposite sex..

They did as asked, the moment their wands switched hands they were both enveloped with a peculiar wind that touched none of the store, only the twins.

Mister Kamoba continued.

"A wand so strange indeed... I made them both from the same length length of vine, but the original intention was a singular long wand.. it was a refusal of the core and obtaining of the twin unicorn hairs that encouraged me to split the wood..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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