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I awoke to the sound of a heavy and exaggerated door slam. i opened my eyes unwillingly and glared out from behind my copper curtain of hair that had conveniently fallen around my face. (You're probably wondering who I am, Ill start by saying my name is Mia, and I'll tell you more about myself as we go along if that's okay with you) I have been stuck in this hell-hole for over eight months, and let me tell you being alone in the darkness has almost driven me insane. The echoes of my screams to penetrate the silence around me, resonate throughout the building. I keep adding to the collection of agony, during the times they torture me. By 'they' I mean my jailers, a different one everyday. Ironically, I can remember which ones come on which days, therefore, I named them to my own liking. They never told me their names anyway.

To pick up where we left off, I was glaring out through my lank hair that had fallen conveniently around my face, at Wednesday. " Alright there Mia?" he asked in a mocking sleazy voice. His eyes roved across my body, I grew increasingly aware of the poor job my torn clothes were doing of hiding my figure. I tried to move my arms across my chest, only to be restrained by my chains. Wednesday laughed, "we will have fun today now won't we Mia? You'll have to teach your new friend the ropes won't you?" he said almost lazily. That's when I noticed a guy's limp form leaning against the doorway. Regardless, I said "Watch you tone, ego and your hands if you don't want to get hurt" in a surprisingly steady voice, since I hadn't drunk water in quite a while. I was rewarded with a sharp slap. "How are you going to do that?" he asked in a menacing voice. I growled from deep in my throat. Wednesday stepped away surprised but wary, "Mia, play nice with the new kid while I get the equipment" he said and practically fled out of the room. I developed the growling recently, and I have been dying to try it on a jailer, the result of agonising screams. I giggled, an odd sound to hear in the building. I turned my attention to the new part of my world, and identified it something a bit like this:




So I didn't say anything only observed him from the corner of my eye. "Uhm..Hi?" he said. I wasn't able to reply, because I didn't know how to react to something that simple. So I said "my name is Mia, It would be nice to know yours as well". Ouch, I said it a little too harsh. He didn't seem to be bothered by it. "My name is Cade.." he said. "Nice to meet you, if I wasn't in these retraints I would shake your hand but umm, as you can see.." I trailed off. I knew I was being ridiculously formal, but it was all I could remember of courtesy.

From what I figured out from this brief exchange of words was, he found this normal. so I took a shot at getting some questions answered. " So... why are exactly? " To which he answered "God knows.." that was extremely helpful. NOT! " I don't mean to offend you or anything, just asking..considering I don't know why I'm here myself " I said in a meek sounding voice. An awkward silence. Only it wasn't that painful silence I had grown somewhat accustomed to, I could hear him breathe and I could hear the chains rattling as we both shivered. Suddenly, the door opened with a bang, absolutely no warning. A large, well muscled man stood in the door way, can you guys picture the terminator? yeah, try picturing him leaner, younger, British and stronger. He ran into the room and started to unlock the chains. I tried to ask questions but I ended up asking him, "could you unlock his chains too?" He said " I have to free you first" hold up, what? who is this dude? As soon as my chains were undone, I crumpled to the floor, I couldn't stand let alone run. The dude hauled me to my feet, and slung my arm around his neck. He started to walk away from the Cade. "Hey! you said you'd- " " I said I would save you first, and you are not safe" oookay... Now I'm really starting to think he and I are related, cousins maybe? He swung me onto his back like a rag doll, I could feel his muscles trying to adjust to my weight, and the heat rising off his body was a relief to my cold, sore and abused skin. He looked back at Cade. "Bro I'll come back" he said. Cade simply nodded.

The dude carried me out of the building ninja style. I had a few close calls with Saturday and Monday, otherwise all went well. I was still clinging to him, when we came across the final hurdle. The OUTER-RING. basically a circular yard that encircled the prison I was held in. The OUTER-RING was armed with motion sensitive devices implanted in the ground, a few gun turrets here and there. Very disorganised actually, bet they weren't thinking of a break-out.

He ( the dude, people really don't like to share their names with me so I have to improvise with what I have ) sneaked around some of the gun turrets, and did a really complicated series of footwork that I couldn't quite analyse, and we were out.

As soon as we were far away enough from the building, the dude says "You can get off my back now, my name is Dan in case you have forgotten... " Forgotten? he never told me his name before.. Dan answers my question by pinning my shoulders to the nearest wall, and whispering " I've missed you.. a lot Mia" and kissing me, his lips moving firmly against mine..I turned a delicate shade of red and pushed him away. " I don't remember you..." Dan didn't say anything. he just stood there, his face above mine. " Mia, I'm your boyfriend...don't you remember? " I dug into the recesses of my memory, and pulled out a few scattered memories with Dan in them, however they were just a spectrum of flashing images, I couldn't find a solid memory to latch onto. " Yeah I think I do..." I said sighing. Dan took off his jacket and put it around me to provide me a little privacy. " Soon you'll remember..not just me, but you will start to remember those familiar faces you have forgotten" he reassured me ( i think ). " For now, I'll take you to a safe house, from there we will move to where you can get some answers" he said firmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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