12:30 ish

8 0 1

12:30 am March 11th 2017

I'm going slightly mad playing over and over in my mind

Thought(s) of the night:

shut them up

go to bed

ignore the voices in my head

look at the dog

distract myself

my skin itches

my brain hurts

he asked what's wrong with me

I wish I knew

I had cake

it made me sad

my hair is a mess

My brain is messed up

He's sleeping now

He's kinda cute when he sleeps

Curled up in a ball

Nothing can explain those worlds

No, it's either sad or peaceful

for example, if I'm thinking too much, I tend to curl up to forget I exist

But he's just on my bed in a small curled up position, his body moving gently to his breathing

It's calm

at night

But it's also scary

I could die

Do I want to die?

Is that what I want?

Have I done what I wanted with my life?

Who are you?

Where am I?

Why did they invent God?

He didnt help me when I needed him too.

He's pretend, just like my stories in my head.

I meet them

We talk

It's interesting

I cry

I explain

We speak

That's it

I don't see them again

I made little impact

They won't remember.

That's it

I'm tired now.

Took me four minutes more than I expected to write this.

My stomach feels weird.

Good night..

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