Disappear...and Free (OneShot)

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Saeran Choi just a normal high school boy. He have normal life, normal family and so on.

He has once thought that his life will never chance, maybe there will be, but he think that he can slove it easily.

However, that just when he was too young to understand how life chance suddenly.

Saeran is a type of people who don't talk much, or don't want to get close to anyone, even his twin brother.

Saeyoung Choi never understand what his brother think about, and he never understand what Saeran want to do. He do love his brother, thought, but he know that the more he come closer, the more Saeran move away, so he have no choice but to stay away from the distance that his brother want.

That what Saeran is it. From when he grow up to now. However, life always chance, and frome the day he come to high shcool, everything have change his usual life.

It is a nice evening, however, Saeran still stay at classroom, while his brother has gone home.

He wait for all of the student have gone, so that he can quitely go to the music room. He has been there for a week. Well, because, there is something special there...

Saeran come there from the moment he go through the music room

There is one day, Saeran are fall asleep while in class. Because last night he didn't sleep much, and the reason why he can't sleep that because his brother make so many noise while he sleep, and Saeran can not awake him.

So now, the time Saeran waked up, there is no one there. He and his brother are in diffrent class, so perhaps Saeyoung do not know that Saeram haven't came home yet.

"Oh god.." Saeran mumble "I think mom will mad at me if I get home late!!"

Saeran stand up in hurry. He pick up his bag, then leave. While he leave, he pass through the music room, and there, he hear the sound of piano.

Saeran very suppries. Everyday he walk pass the room, but there is no one here. Also, he hear everybody said that there is no one use this room anymore, because many year ago, there are a sudent die in here. No one know why he die, but everyone guess that he study too much and while he try to relax, he can not control his mind and then, Saeran think about the bomb that exploded.

From that, every evening, there are some student who go home late hear the song from the piano from the room that student die. When he still alive, he is a famous pianist, and maybe from that reason, he have too much show that make his mind become uncontrol, and then, he die because he is too tired.

But, if that student love to play piano too much, so why he die?

So maybe, because of that reason, he come back the place he die in every evening, to play piano forever.

However, it just a rumor, and Saeran are not interesting in mystery story, but now...

Saeran for the first time, he fell scared, but also excited, don't know why.

Saeran touch the door, and open it quitely, then he put his head inside.

There is a boy, with a blond hair, purple eyes, wearing uniform of the school, is playing piano.

The first think come to Saeran's mind is..

"Oh my god! He look so beautiful!!"

He is a man, and a man praised a man...Ok, Saeran just praised him, and there is no more out of that..

However, he really beautifull, and he play the song so well. What it is name? Ah! Childhood Memory! By Bandari.

Saeran actually very like music, especially instrumental music, and this song...he hear on his phone many time, but hear by the pianist, by the real sound come from the piano, he think he can stand here for an hour, if that student didn't stop and look at him with a suppries eyes.

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