Just a couple days ago, there was this little boy named Kurt. He is 5 and haunted. When he was a little boy he could see himself sleeping. He would see him walking on the roof and becoming a walker (zombie) and see things that other people can't see. His friend Ally was worried about him. He would always walk around saying beware when I sleep. He killed Ally's brother while sleepwalking. His friend lives in the closet. This isn't the end. It's getting started.
Kurt and his family had a paranormal witness come in and talk to Kurt.
Kurt's friend the ghost or whatever you want to call it. It first started with pictures and then got worse. ........ He got possessed and he didn't know about it. The only help they could get is the new paranormal witness her name is Carly Goldsmith. She inspected the house for the ghost. She found it whenever Kurt was a grown man. She died from the ghost. She got shot! She was dead.
"Kurt why did you kill Carly?" Ally said.
"I didn't it. It was the ghost." Kurt said.
"It was me!!!" The ghost said faintly.
------------------------____---------------When Kurt got older he married Ally. He and she have three kids to boys and one baby girl named Carly. He named Carly after Carly the ghost whisperer. Well one night Ally was cleaning the house where Kurt grew up and got possessed when he was younger. While she was cleaning she heard Carly's baby bouncer go off because the ghost was haunting them again. Ally was cleaning living room when she heard the piano go off. It was the song that Kurt had wrote for there wedding. She also heard the baby walkie talkie. The baby was screaming bloody murder. When Ally ran into the baby's room, Carly stopped crying and stared in the closet. There was blood around her that said "help me.....!"
HorrorYou should read this book. It takes after insidious 2. I hope you read it thanks. ☺️