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I looked out the window and chewed on my pencil, thinking of more ideas for the fashion show preview next week. Adrien recommended my designs to his father, my idol! How cool can it get! It was one of the mornings on a weekend where the sun just feels like singing and the golden rays, and I felt like singing! Sweet, sweet Adrien talked about me! I wonder what he thinks about.....

Ok that sounded stalkerish, but seriously!  I have a major mega crush on the hottest guy in the universe and beyond! Unfortunately every other girl ( Including Chloe....) does too. His emerald green eyes and wavy sunny golden hair! Who can't resist that?

"Marianette, you need to have a few ideas for next week!" A hushed sweet voice tickled my ear. Tikki whizzed around the room like an energetic ping pong ball, never ending, until finally she buzzed  around my head like a bee.
"I know I do Tikki, but I just can't think! Adrien is what I'm thinking. Just Adrien, Adrien, and MORE Adrien! I can only think about him. I know! What if I base my fashion ideas on Adrien! Let's see..... A nice creamy white crop top with French-style black and white stripes on the chest pocket!  And a black hoodie with green and yellow stripes racing around the back! Oh and....and....!" I practically squealed and furiously penciled the ideas. Tikki giggled and hugged my cheek.
"Don't get too carried away, we still have Evillustrator to defeat! He's bigger, better and stronger now! You've seen what he can do! I've seen how he got akumatized! It was all because of Chloe bullying him! AGAIN!" The penciled designs I sketched looked messier and more free handed.
"Come on Marianette! A little Marianette girl power and then it's Ladybug coming to save the day!" Tikki exclaimed wildly whizzing around the room.
"Marianette! Alya's here!" Mama called.
"Quick hide Tikki!" I exclaimed, pointing to behind the bunting. At once, Tikki zoomed towards the over-hanging bunting and kept out of site.
The trap door flung open and the familiar face of my best friend popped up.
"Girl you will NEVER guess what happened today!" Alya sang, tossing her brown curls aside.
I clutched one of my sewn cushions and sat on the couch, becoming Alya to join me. I sneaked a glance at Tikki, who was perching on the wooden beam, just out of view from this angle. She nodded and I was satisfied so I listened in.
"What happened?" I asked, edging closer towards her phone.
"This happened! Nathanial just dropped the bomb on his true feelings for you! He dropped his artwork and BOOM! All was revealed. He was drawing his fantasy ending of you and him!"
Alya was standing up now, smiling so widely I knew she didn't want me to spoil the moment of love.
"WHAT?!" I yelled. I knew Nathaniel did draw pictures of me, but I thought it was for his art GCSE's he was taking. He said so himself. He said he drew everyone, but only ME?! Okayyy ..... I feel a little like I'm being stalked now. I worriedly glanced at Tikki again, and her expression matched mine.
"What was the reaction?"
"Everyone saw! They couldn't believe it! Even Adrien! I swear he blushed." Alya lightly punched my shoulder. "I think he's jealous!"
"Adrien, likes me?! OMG this is the best day of my life!" I jumped up and down and squealed so loudly people could maybe hear it from the Eiffel Tower.
"Whoa girl! How did that come up? I said he might be jealous, but I think he blushed."
"So....What happened to Nathaniel?" I asked.
" He ran away after he gathered up the drawings. I hope he doesn't turn into Evillustrator again. Let's just say a certain Adrien wouldn't live that down."
I shrugged off the exciting idea and then this happened.
"Wait.... where were you? Why weren't you there? Today's Tuesday, you should of been in school!"
Oh gosh, this could go down pretty badly. Quick! Think of a response to cover it up!
"Erm..... I was at..... Adrien's house to talk to Gabriel! We were exchanging ideas you know, because I'm his student you know!" Most of it was a lie but it was still true! I am Gabriel Agreste's student so we do have the odd chat about fashion. It was all thanks to Adrien now I'm his student. The hat competition was a piece of cake. Even Chloe's silly ideas to win didn't stop me. All thanks to Adrien..... Ahhh.....Adrien...........
"I'll see you later Marianette!" Alya waved a goodbye.
"Byeeeeee!" I exclaimed, waving frantically as I shut the trap door and Tikki came out of hiding.
"Gosh, Evillustrator really does like you a lot! Wait, I sense a bad aura! Dark Magic is close! I've never sensed this dark aura before! It was only light before with other akumatized victims but now it's darker and more powerful! HawkMoth must of added some Dark Core Magic in him! That means Evillustrator is going to be harder to defeat, and you have to defeat him as Marianette!" Tikki shuddered and I shivered too.  Evillustrator.... Dark Core Magic.... Me.... Marianette ......hard to defeat? I couldn't make sense of the words but then I had the urge to go outside the bakery.
"Oh no! Evillustrator is luring you towards him! Marianette you have to stay true to yourself! Remember that! I can't help for much longer! Marianette!" Tikki screamed as she was forced into my purse by a dark force.

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