Allens Independence

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((Based off the song above))

And I remember when I met him it was so clear he was the only one for me.......we both knew it right away

Oliver walked up to the auburn haired boy
"Hello poppet what are you doing here?" He asked wondering what a little boy like him was doing in a waste land like this, The little boy looked up with those blood red eyes and looked straight into Olivers blue and pink ones
"My ma dropped me off here and said she would be back but that was......I'm not sure how long ago it was I lost count" the boy smiled sadly. At that moment Oliver noticed a small bracelet on the boys wrist "Hey....." Oliver proceeded to say but then remembered he didn't have the boys name "My names Allen, Allen F Jones" The boy who's name was Allen said Oliver then proceeded his sentence but not before saying a quick thank you "Where did you get that bracelet....?" Oliver asked and Allen looked down at the bracelet "I don't know to be honest I always wondered why I had it, I've have had it since I was born" Allen said looking down at the bracelet that had the words 2PAmerica engraved on it Oliver looked in shock as he looked down at his own identical bracelet that had 2PEngland engraved on it and at that moment Oliver knew that him and Allen were going to be close. But little did Oliver know Allen was thinking the same thing.

And as the years went on things got more difficult and we were faced with more challenges

"IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR CRAP YOU OLD MAN STOP BABYING ME!" A teenage looking Allen shouted at an upset Oliver

"I-I'm not babying you Allen I'm just trying to keep you safe....." Oliver said trying to hold back tears as well as his words stuttering


'D-don't tell me he wants' Oliver thought before my mind went blank as Allen's next words came out

"CONSIDER ME INDEPENDENT!" Allen shouted confirming his suspicions

"I-i can't allow that Allen without a fight....." Oliver said trying to stop the tears from flowing

"IF ITS A FIGHT YOU WANT THEN ITS A FIGHT YOU'LL GET!" Allen said before storming out of the English styled mansion

Oliver fell to his knees tears spilling out my eyes.

I Begged him to stay

"Please please Allen I don't want to fight you" Oliver said practically begging on my hands and knees

"well then just give me my independence old man" Allen said looking down at me

"I-I can't.....just why dammit why..." Oliver said stuttering and starting to cry

"Well I'll just have to fight for it then there's no other choice" Allen said before walking away

For the second time that day Oliver was kneeling on the floor crying and sobbing.

I tried to remember what we had in the beginning

Oliver was sat looking at old photos from an album

"Ha-ha.....I remember this one this was when we went out for a picnic Oliver said looking at a picture with a younger looking Allen and Oliver having a picnic under a tree with the green grass flowing in the wind and the sun in the horizon

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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