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Bran Stark, the second youngest son of House Stark, knew something was coming his way. Something big and, given his luck in Kings Landing, bad. Most probably something the Lannisters planned for him. But for the life of him, he couldn't put his hand, or rather, mind, on what it was.

He could usually at least guess what the Lannisters were planning. Like when he could tell that Queen Cersei would kill all their dire wolves to punish for Nymeria's 'assault'. So he had released both Lady and Summer before the Lannisters could get to them. He was sure they had joined their sister in the wilderness. The only time he couldn't understand what the Lannisters were planning was when they dubbed his father a traitor and killed him. So Bran was sure that whatever it was this time, was not at all good.

Now to understand what is happening here, we all would have to go back three years, when Bran was 11 and still in Winterfell. He had gained consciousness and miraculously unharmed after a fall. He didn't remember how he fell. But it seemed odd, he never fell before. How did it happen now? They all had shrugged it off as an accident. After Maester Luwin had deemed him fit, he had left for Kings Landing with his father and sisters.

It was after they came to Kings Landing that everything started going wrong. An assassin had been caught in Winterfell. Apparently, he was sent to assassinate Bran. But before he could be forced to say anything else, he killed himself. His lady mother had found evidence that Tyrion Lannister was the one attempting to assassinate him. Which led to Lady Catelyn arresting Lord Tyrion. Which resulted in Ser Jaime Lannister attacking his lord father.

Then it was one bad thing after another. King Robert going to hunt and coming back hunted. It wasn't long before he died making that vile monster Joffrey the King. Bran's Lord father, the ever honorable man, exposed the fact that Joffrey was a bastard, not the true born son of King Robert, in front of the entire court. And for his trouble, Lord Eddard Stark was betrayed and imprisoned. The gold cloaks killed their entire household. In all the commotion, the only good thing that came was that Arya was able to escape. Bran didn't even know if she was alive.

Sansa and Bran had begged for mercy for their father. And for a while it seemedthat mercy was granted. Until Ser Illyn Payne cut off their father's head on Joffrey's order, even though their father pled guilty for a crime that he did not commit. From then on, Sansa and Bran had been humiliated and beaten constantly for their father's so called ' treason '. They were beaten sometimes with reason, like when their brother won against Tywin Lannister, and sometimes without. More often than not, Sansa took his part of the beating. She sweet talked Joffrey into hurting Bran less and she accepted whatever punishment Joffrey gave her for it.

Bran's trip down memory lane was interrupted when the door to his room opened and Sansa entered. Ah, speak of the devil.

" Bran, what are you doing here? We have to help Mergeary with her wedding dress. " The wedding of Margeary Tyrell with 'King ' Joffrey. After their father's beheading, Bran was not allowed to continue to continue his training of swordsmanship and battle craft. So he was stuck with Sansa. Not that he minded. After their family was killed at the Red Wedding, it seemed all they had left was each other.

" Do I have to? " He whined, just for the sake of it. It was at times like these, when they were alone, that they could get a semblance of what they were back then in Winterfell.

" Yes. Now get up. Come on. " Sansa dragged him out of his room to the gardens to go to the little spot that the Tyrells had claimed for themselves. Sansa purposefully took the long route and though Bran noticed, he didn't say anything.

The path that they had taken fell in a short distance from the main gate of the Keep. So when they saw the main gate being opened by Tyrion Lannister,  they stopped. The guests for the wedding were arriving. Bran had no wish to see the fake pleasantries of these Lords. He was about to walk away when Sansa tugged at his hand.

"Wait. I want to see who has come. " She said making him stop reluctantly.

So they stayed and watched as Lord Tyrion greeted many lords or the heirs that came in their lord's stead. The last to come was those from Dorne, but only the soldiers and servants were seen. It was said that Prince Oberyn would come. But he was nowhere to be seen. Bran decided it was time to go.

" Come on, Sansa. You have seen enough. Let's go. " Bran said a little too loudly, which alerted Lord Tyrion to their presence. And before they could go, he was making his way towards them.

" Hello, lovelies. May I ask what you are doing out here on this fine day? " He asked with a genuine smile. Lord Tyrion was one of the few people who was kind to them.

"My Lord,  we were just going to meet Margeary. I took the long way to be able to talk to my brother. " Well, it was partly true. Bran was sure Sansa had no intention of talking to him during their walk.

" Ah, the love between siblings. " He said a little wistfully. " Well, forgive me. I have to go now. Apparently, the Prince of Dorne thought it appropriate to send his people before him. I have to go welcome him."

Tyrion looked at both of them as if he was thinking something. Then he suddenly said, " Would the two of you like to accompany me? "

Sansa replied again. "Forgive me, My Lord. I promised Margeary that I would help her with her wedding dress. Perhaps, Bran would like to go. " She looked pointedly towards him.

It was rude to completely refuse a lord. So Sansa, ever the perfect lady, offered for Bran to go. Bran nodded.

" Excellent. Podrick, get a horse ready for Lord Bran. " The squire nodded and scurried off to do as told.

It was after a while that he came back with four horses. One for Tyrion, one for Ser Bronn, one for Bran, and one for himself. Bran mounted his horse.

He casted a glance at Sansa, who mouthed at him, ' be careful '. Bran nodded towards her.

" Shall we, Lord Bran? " Lord Tyrion asked him.

Bran nodded again. " Yes, My Lord. "

So along with Lord Tyrion and his companions, Bran was off to the the streets of Kings Landing. Little did Bran know, the moment that he went outside the Red Keep, his golden cage, Bran Stark's fate was sealed in stone with the Viper's venom.


A/N: So I have seen no other story with this pairing. So I decided to experiment. I haven't read the books. So this will be entirely based on the show. This is my first GoT fiction. So please be gentle.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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