The Princess and the Servant

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By definition, love is a strong feeling of affection, or, in the form of a verb is to feel a more intense  fondness and/or sexual love for someone. And unfortunately for me, I was experiencing every format of this confusing emotion.

As I stare into deep brown eyes, with tiny flecks of gold nearing the shining pupil, I think over how I came to be in this position; Newspaper after newspaper had been filled with tabloid gossip on the Princesses wrong doings, parties being held, pictures and videos being released that could make even he most serious of guards blush. Being an only daughter to a baker and an ill ex-marine, job searching had been difficult in the middle of a busy city, so when a dear friend of mine, Henry, told me about a job opening in the castle, I rushed to put my application in. Ticking all the boxes, I started a short 4 months later, after going through strict safety procedures. But working as  cleaner in the Princesses chambers wasn't all that it had been made out to be. Day after day, I saw the princess when she had stumbled to the gates, as 7 in the morning, or when it was mid-day and she was still asleep, her hair ruffled, makeup smudged and breath that could kill.

However, there was days when I would see the beauty behind her beastly act. At first we did not speak at all, however in a cute display of inquisitiveness,  she stared talking to me. I remember the day well, whilst the princess slept I had been putting away some new clothes that she had ordered. Normally, I have to do jobs that involve being in the same room as the Princess when she is not there, but it was only a few garments and I had no will to perpetrate that task at 10pm that night. With an arm sung across her face and a half cracked open eye peering at me. Princess Rose had asked me for my name an what I was doing, this was the first time her curious side had come out, however was something I was to become accustomed to. I'd been questioned about my life, and the young adult seemed to take an interest in the place I had been raised in. As I pottered around her majesties bedroom, tidying, I explained in detail the arresting features of the city life. I had babbled on, whilst she intently listened. I learnt things about the Princess as well, shocking myself in the discovery that Holly was just an average misunderstood individual. We shared a love for travelling, different cultures and art, at the same time I got to hear about her interest in music and food, and how sometimes she would slip down to the kitchen in order to watch and taster-test the food being prepared, making conversation with the chefs and maids. As time passed, we would enjoy days full of talking, and I was generally more happy as I no longer had to perform my choirs after dark. Not that  could, it seemed the Princesses partying days where coming to an end.

During the months that passed, I started to realise that what my job expected of me and what my heart wanted where two entirely different thing. It had dawned on me after a rather long span of time what emotion I had been feeling when I shared a smile or laugh with Holly.


The same emotion I am experiencing now, looking at the Princess before me.

"So will you?" The question rings through my head, rattling in my ears, playing on my heart strings like a violin. The whole palace had been I a rush lately over the Winter ball, held every year where the normally still, unoccupied building brings life into it. I'd never been, seeing as only royalty is invited, but I'd heard that music so beautiful that it could have only of been composed by the best of musicians played, and the food is supposed to be that for Gods. Cleaners, cooks, gardeners, everyone, has been dashing about to keep up this expectation. And yet here I am, nothing but a maid, being offered an invitation as the Princesses... guest? Partner? Girlfriend?

"B-but Holly, what will everyone think? It is only of recent that the people are starting to see you as acceptable for next in line. What will they think if you bring a-a woman to the ball, much less a maid?" Drawing in a shaky breath, I search the Princesses golden sun-kissed features for any sign of trickery, some type of joke. Coming up with nothing, I just continue to stare, for the princess is quite pretty in looks, when she is not smothered in makeup and forged self-worth. Blessed with big curious eyes and reasonable lips, that when on an interesting topic, could be the release of words in a very frequent manner. It is her hair that I find quite appealing, styled in a wavy shoulder length bob, quite the opposite to her mothers long ginger curls and fathers head o straight blonde hair.

"I don't care about what they say, which gender I bring to the ball should not matter, please, I have lived a whole 19 years of my life and never have I once met someone I would even consider being with, much less love the way I do you. Please, would you accept this, accept us?" Can I, is it possible for me to see past the laws, and rules, and that this could even be treason? Lily's words of wisdom come too mind, 'It isn't the princess herself that is monstrous, but in the title which is the mould to her clay. You my dear, are the sledge hammer to that structure.' Is hat what I want, to be her sledge hammer? To risk everything for love?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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