Five Stones of Purity Book 1

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Hello to all of my readers, Sky_Warrior7126 here and I'm sorry if you like this book because this is on hold right now. Now I know what you are thinking. "This is a brand new book. Why is it on hold?" Well because I had this really awesome idea but I have way too much stuff to do so when I clear out my schedule, I will start writing this book.. You will have to wait. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!




"Ryland ran up the hill only to see his true love disappear into the void. He collapsed onto the ground letting tears flow over his eyes. His world was with her. Nothing was left of it. He stood up and ran to the castle determind to avenge her death. As he reached the drawbridge, it closed. He called his spirit animal and using it's power, he leaped over the moat and into the castle area. It was a mess. Fire was everywhere, brightining the path to the castle. He sprinted up the steps and entered the king's room. It was a sea blood. He gasped. The king. It was the only thought in his mind. Where was he? Even in his confused stare, the only thought that had crossed his mind was where was the king? As he climbed the stairs to the court room, he heard a chilling laugh that echoed through the halls. I shivered. Then I heard the king scream. I ran up to the court room and saw a monster that looked like the king. I ran up to it and catching it by suprise, I stabbed my sword through its chest--.

"Hunter! Come on! You need to stop reading fantasies and such. It will ruin your gym mark. Let's play baseball!" my neighbour called.

I sigh. I really hated my neighbour sometimes.

"Are you coming?"

I close the book and walk to the door. Before I exit, I glance back at the closed fairy tale. I remember the quote in the back of the book. "There is magic in everyone. They just have to find it." I dash out of my room to find out what my neighbour wanted.

------------------Time Skip Next Day------------------------------

The alarm jolts me awake from my nightmare and for once I feel thankful for that annoying sound I can't sleep through. I dress and get ready for school. I skipped breakfast, not hungry for once. I hop on my bus and try to relax. At once the nightmare resumes in my head. 


I run and run and run trying to escape whatever is chasing me. I pant and gasp for air, needing it so bad. I have never ran this hard in my life. I scan my surroundings. Fires erupt suddenly and only then do I see the landscape. It was like I was in minecraft, and I was lagging real bad, the blocks not showing. I was climbing a steep hill, possibly a mountian. I see a dark shape against the horizion and note that it is in the shape of a castle. All of these thoughts in my head distract me from what I was feeling. Soon, all of the though disapate and I am feeling, hurt, scared, determind and heart-broken. I climb up to the mountain and watch as a person get sucked up into a void. No, a person-- what am I feeling right now? I don't know. But I stand there and watch as a girl gets sucked into the void. Seeing that, I just collaspe onto the ground. At first I think it's the feeling that I just stood around watching a person die but then I recognize the feeling of love. I had loved that person but I just stood there and watched her die. Right then I hear an echoing voice.

"Everyone has magic, they just need to find it."

-------Nightmare Over--------

I wake up to someone shaking me. 

"Wake up! The bus ride is over!" 

My face flushed, I hop off and meet up with my gang Skylar, Avril, Jess and Albert. 

"Sup?" I ask.

Skylar peirces me with a death glare. I back up 'cause everyone knows that if you don't follow her orders, she will attack and then you are doomed. Even though I have more power over the school, I am still scared of her. 

"What is it???" I ask, trying to please her.

Luckily my good old pal Albert comes to my rescue. 

"People have shipped you and her and if she lays a finger on the people the principal threatened to have the orphanage shut down."

She scowls and mutters a few curse words. Strong ones. You see, Skylar has one weakness and it's orphans. She used to be one but was adopted by rich people and she wants to help. Half of what she earns goes to the orphanage and she does a lot of stuff and when I say a lot, I mean it. She earns about $200 a week and $100 goes to the orphanage. They must be loaded by now. It has been about 3 years. I was so distracted by my thought, I hadn't noticed that someone had approched her and baited her without knowing. She hisses at the poor kid but remembering the pact, she barley manages to calm down. The poor kid runs away terrified and scared. 

"Good." She spits out after the kid has vanished. 

I feel for that kid. She can be scary when she is angry. The bell rings. 

"Come on. Let's go." I call, running towords the door. Avril looks worried. She has never seen Skylar be so angry. I walk up to her and comfort her.

"She's just tired and stressed and the teacher's threat has her more vernerable then ever." I reason. 

"I know, but I just can't stand how others know her weakness and how to deploy it against her." 

I sigh. 

"I know but she has resolved to fix it by herself. No one can help her."

The bell rang making it offical that we are late. I run to math and sneak in, thankful that the teacher is to busy with trying to find out how the t.v. works then give me a detention. 

"Sit down class!" the teacher says.



Ha ha ha. I love the way it ends. I hope I think of a title soon and if you have any suggustions, comment below! Thanks! See you next time.

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