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My name is Angel and I'm 16. I am bullied everyday by pretty much everyone.

You ask why? Well I am blind. I got blinded by my father because of an accident. I don't like getting into details so I'm not going to explain what happened. He blames me for everything even though it's his fault for blinding me.

Ok you know what? I can't keep it in, I will explain what happened.

I was at my friends house for a party, and I came home around midnight. When I opened the door my dad yelled at me asking where I was.

I said my friends house and he yelled at me again cuz he though I was lying. I yelled at him back saying I would never lie to him.

He came up to me and started kicking me and punching my face. I begged him to stop, but he just kept on going and going. I just then realized he was drunk, don't ask me why he was cuz I have no clue.

He dragged me to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I screamed and tried to get away, but that just made him even more mad. He took the knife and... well he... stabbed... ugh! He stabbed my eyes.

After that I was screaming for someone to help, then my father's eyes suddenly became soft, he tried to pick me up and help out but I wouldn't let him touch me at all.

Just then, a neighbor came over and ran to me, picked me up, and took me to the hospital. I couldn't see anything, and I was starting to feel dizzy, and I passed out.

The next day I woke up, but I couldn't see anything. I started to cry/sob. I heard a door open and close, it was the doctor because he said so himself.

He said he had some bad news, so I nodded my head and listened. He said I was blind and I will never be able to see anything again. The only way to see again was the eye replacement, but I was not ready to do that at all. The doctor also told me that dad was in prison for the rest of his life.

If your asking where my mom is, she left me when I was 4. She couldn't handle me for some bitchy reason.

Since then, I have hated my whole family ever since. When I went to school the following week, I kept on bumping into people, and they yelled at me and said horrible things to me.

Then people started pushing me around, tripping me and saying things to me everyday. Present day, people from my school have done the same thing to me. I just don't get it.

My family is fucked up, I don't have any friends, and I live alone. I wish someone at school would stick up for me, but the bitch group of the school tell everyone that if they become my friend, they will hurt them, or threaten to hurt them.

Everyone is so fucked up, I just don't understand. I thought everyone would be nice to me, and help me out because I can't see where I'm going, but apparently not. It's like they have no heart once so ever. Like its empty.


I use my walking stick to help me get up the stairs and enter the school. "Look who decided to show up," one girl said.

"It's the little slut," another girl said and everyone laughs.

I decide to say something back. "Excuse me? Oh I'm sorry, I was just gonna tell you that maybe you should look in the mirror and look at yourself. Your the one who is a slut, you wear short skirts to show of your ass, and wear shirts that show off your fat ass boobs, but me the slut? Oh honey no, I actually wear things that cover up my parts. I might be blind, but I am not the one who sleeps with every fucken boy in the school just to brag and keep your pity little status up for popularity. So I would back off if I were you. Oh and also, ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP TALKING SHIT ABOUT ME. I AM SO SICK OF IT, SINCE YOU THINK U ARE SO BETTER THAN ME. I HAVE AN IDEA FOR ALL OF YOU, GO KILL YOUR SELF AND LIVE IN HELL. I WON'T CARE WHAT YOU DO BECAUSE I CAN'T SEE. SO FUCK OFF," I scream at them all. I hear everyone run off, and leave me alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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