Part 1

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<<See end for Notes>>

Wendy's POV~~~

"Stop!" The man freezes, shaking slightly. "Put it down right there." He slowly lowers it to the ground. He stands up and puts his hands on his hips. "How's that?"

"Perfect. Thanks for helping out with the heavy lifting, Jim." Jimmy smiles, "No problemo, Wendy! I'm getting paid extra, so I might as well help out more."

My phone dings. I clap my hands loudly. Everyone in the room turns. "Alright everybody, nice job today! We got a lot done, it's almost ready for the clients to move in! Go home, spend some time with your family and relax. We've got a big day tomorrow and then a whole week for sleeping in. We're in the home stretch!"

Everyone begins to leave, all in separate groups. I start to tidy up while I wait for Naomi. She's my best friend. Naomi wants to be a doctor, so she's still in school. She picks me up everyday after work. I have a car, but it's fun to have someone to talk to.

I finish sweeping wood chips just as I hear a honk. I grab my bag and run out to Naomi's blue slug bug convertible.

*     *     *     *     *

Justin's POV~~~

I hand the desk clerk the card and hold my breath while he scans it. I hate using forged credit cards, because you never know what could happen. It beeps and I let my breath out slowly. "Did you hear about the sheriff's retreat?" 

Ugh. Just give me my card. "No, I didn't. Is it here in town?"

"Yep. In fact, everyone is staying here. It's the busiest the Knights Inn has ever been!"

"That's great!" That's just great. The clerk hands me the credit card and the key and I walk back outside to Garrett. "Good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

"Good." We turn off our bikes and walk to room 12. I take out the key and try to unlock the door. "Well, the credit card didn't glitch this time." I smack the door. "C'mon you stupid door, just open!"

"Justin, let me try." Garrett unlocks it with ease. "And the bad news?"

"There's a sheriff's retreat going on in town. It's hosted here, too."

The door swings open. "That's just great." 

"What do you want to do?"

"We can't leave right away, that'd be suspicious. Plus, we don't have a job."

"That's what I was thinking. What's the plan if we're recognized?"

"Split up and get back here. Whoever gets back first, packs up everything and goes to that old farmhouse we saw just outside of town."

"Awesome. I'll go get gas tomorrow."

"Ok." Garrett stretches and yawns. "Night Justin."

I flick the light off and stumble to bed in the dark.

~     ~     ~     ~     ~

Character Descriptions - Minor and Major

Wendy Lee Myers

Has brown hair, blue eyes, slight tan

Height - 5'10"  Weight - 140 lbs

Gender - Female

Age - 24

Species - Human

Info: Lives in Chicago, works as an interior designer.

Naomi Keller

Has black hair, green eyes, dark skin

Height - 5'3"  Weight - 137 lbs

Gender - Female

Age - 24

Species - Human

Info: Lives in Chicago. Taking extra years in school to become a doctor. Has OCD and ADHD.

Justin  *Last Name Unknown*

Has blonde hair, green eyes, slight tan

Height - 6'1"  Weight - 152 lbs

Gender - Male

Age - 24

Species - Human

Info: Is legally 'homeless'. Lives in hotels and motels, moving all around the U.S. Travels by motorcycle with his best friend/co-worker/cousin  a.k.a  Garrett. His family is extremely rich, but doesn't like to use their money, because they basically disowned him.

Garrett  *Last Name Unknown*

Has blonde hair, brown eyes, slight tan

Height - 6'2"  Weight - 155 lbs

Gender - Male

Age - 26

Species - Human

Info: Is also legally 'homeless'. Lives in motels and hotels, traveling around the U.S. Rides a motorcycle with best friend/co-worker/cousin  a.k.a  Justin.

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