Chapter 1

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I stumbled, someone pushing past me in their haste. 'Sorry!' a girl I recognised to be a year 9 student yelled over her shoulder, already way ahead of me; rolling my eyes I continued to walk down the dull corridor. Being short people often didn't see me so it wasn't too much of a surprise. Ahead of me I see my maths teacher, Miss Hastings, handing out worksheets at the door to my class mates as they passed her. Nearing closer I slowed down and took a sheet. I glanced down, frowning at the title.

'Stop frowning, you'll get wrinkles', a voice interrupted my thoughts and I turn to see a girl whose brown curly shoulder- length hair was left down, looking up at me with her piercing brown eyes. I nearly laughed at how odd the situation was, Quinn was tall and it was usually me looking up at her.

Smiling I start to respond but am interrupted, as class begins. I quickly scribble down the date in my notebook before focussing.

I'm so focussed that I notice how weird my teacher is acting. Normally calm and poised today she fidgets with her fingers and glances at the clock every few seconds. I shrug putting it down to the fact she doesn't seem to like her class of unruly year 11s anyway and besides even I couldn't wait for the end of the lesson. My mind soon wonders away from the lesson and I begin to think about a new milkshake place that opened up the other day.

'Hey' I nudged Quinn, 'we should go to the Shake Shack after school'

'The new place?' She asks and I nod in confirmation

'Yeah I'll ask Lauren and Nata-'

'Quinn' Miss Hastings interrupts,

'Sorry miss' she says. The lesson continues in the same mundane fashion and we're writing down our homework when two men walk in, without knocking. How rude, I think before realising I'd never seen them in school before. I grew curious and stared at the two men talking in hushed voices with our teacher. They were young, mid 20s most likely and good looking too. The taller had dirty- blond hair and bright blue eyes, his face was chiselled and his nose crooked, as if it'd been broken a few times. The other man was slightly shorter and had a stockier build than his lean counterpart. His hair was dark and in a military style buzz cut. He looked stern and serious with his nearly black eyes scanning us.

'Everyone please exit the room in an order ly fashion' the taller-light haired one said, before touching his ear and drawing my attention to the wire behind it; my eyebrows furrow why would you need to be wired in a secondary school.

'Bring all belongings with you' my eyebrows furrow deeper as the other man speaks up. What on earth is going on?

They gesture for us to hurry up and I look around the room to see that nobody's moving. Quinn and I follow in suit, sitting back waiting for an explanation as to why and where we were going. We didn't get one. Instead the dark haired one started talking into wire, his words so low I didn't hear them. Seconds pass whilst they stand there with their arms folded, my class and I stay seated and Miss Hastings runs her fingers through her short blond hair, making it messier as she does so.

Loud, brisk footsteps are heard and we all stare at the open doorway. More unknown men walk in, dressed similar to the ones still standing stoically, they file in looking around the room as they do. There are about 10 of them. The room starts to feel cramped now and I wonder why so many strange men were at our school?

'Get up. Now' the same tall, light- haired man said again. People shuffled uneasily, but once again no one made an effort to move. One of the men walks around to the desk before him and roughly grabs Harry, one of my class mates. Harry struggles against the man in a futile effort to get free his brown hair, styled in a quiff seems to fall like a fringe. Joe from a desk nearby moves forward, in what seems like an effort to help Harry instead he himself is grabbed too by one of the men and they are both dragged towards the door. Another of the men steps forward and grabs their belongings before following in suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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