Karma comes knocking

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I intend to write a journal, letter, message.....  whatever just something with words in it! I need to write down my thoughts just so I can help release the emotional pressure inside of me that needs to get the heck out of my head. Some would call it justice or karma but I swear to God if anyone tells me "You deserve it" I'll lock them in a box filled with flesh eating bugs! As you can probably tell I'm going insane and I have no idea what to do right now. Yesterday I was having a normal day at work until I came home and found my wife lying on the floor motionless like a darth Vader victim who got choked to death. She was later pronounced dead by an unknown cause because the doctors couldn't find anything, no bullet holes, no cancer signs, cellular........something ok she's dead and the doctors don't even know why. Whatever it was, the doctors really suck at doing there job. My wife never hurt a soul in her life so why? If anyone should have died it should have been me! A greedy business man who faked his college degree.

My brother in law is planing a funeral next week for my wife but......*led snaps*


The police came at the door while I was writing my first entry. The long silence present in my home was shattered like glass in an opera house as the knocks caused a sudden shock to my body. Which explains the broken led.

As I answered and opened the door for the police men, I rapidly noticed a look of unease from both officers. One male, the other female and both wearing those awkward hats that looked like Mario's cap but painted blue and fake looking badges ripped straight from a halloween costume. Normally I would insult their outfits and tell them how dumb they look but given the current situation I'm in, I decided not to. Although it was very tempting!

We sat down on my living room couches. The two officers took their seats right in front of me with an intimidating look. I don't know if they were trying to terrify me, even just a little, but whatever they were thinking, I felt like a mouse cornered by two hungry cats.

They asked me questions about my wife. I told them everything I knew about Mary. She was just your everyday secretary who worked for Nokia, that brand that manufactures pocket phones. She was the same age as me, roughly 37. She didn't have many friends or not that I knew of. She only had one brother but I never caught her talking him once. She never wanted to conceive a child and whenever I asked her about it, she just refused to answer. Although it seemed that she lived in the shadows for most of the time, she was actually very warm hearted. She always told jokes about how her parents used technology and she loved it when you would talk to her about music. She loved music, playing and making it for the most part. I remember waking up to go to work every morning and I would always find her playing the piano as the morning sun illuminated her golden hair. She always had a smile on her face and my heart melted every time I saw it. The fact that she wasn't a social person was beyond my comprehension, I endlessly tried to make her talk to one of my friends but she always turned her head away when any of my friends came along. I just though she was just shy but the more I think about it, the more it concerns me. Why was she like that? I also never saw her at work either. I would wake up, go to work and find her in the house. Then, I would arrive 7 hours back home only to find her in the same place where she left of. Did she even go to work? Like ever? The more and more I talked and thought about Mary, the more I began to question her existence. "What? And why?" I asked myself. How come I never asked or thought of those questions when I had the chance? I began looking at the ceiling with a felling of mixed emotions. I could ponder endlessly but I was interrupted by the officers.

They then showed me a picture of an odd looking symbol engraved at the bottom of Mary's left foot. When I saw the picture I wanted to vomit immediately. It was in the shape of a hand on fire. "A hand on fire" sounds self explanatory but you'd be surprised if you saw it yourself. It had rough checkerboard patterns outlining the flames, and the hand was drawn with what seemed to be blood. Some of the skin of the hand was peeling off too. It honestly looked discussing, like something straight out of a zombie movie.

"What sick person drew this?" I thought to myself.
The officers told me if I ever saw the drawing before. Curiosity struck my mind and I wanted to know why it was of any importance. They explained that there have been multiple victims who died the same way as Mary for the past 2 years. All of the victims had that demented image at the bottom of their feet as well. I told the police that I had never seen a picture like that in my whole life. (With the exception of movies of course) The officers shook my hand and left without a physical trace.

The thoughts never left my mind, and I still can't wrap my head around any of it. Who was my wife? And what was that eye bleeding drawing? I don't what know what to do now but I feel that's there's going to be a world of trouble waiting for me, patiently...............

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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