Hornblower and the Temeraire

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        In the spring of 1819, 8 years after his escape from France, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Horatio Hornblower, K.B., Royal Navy, was given command of the H.M.S. Temeraire, a 94 gun ship of the line. Since he was an Admiral of the Fleet, he had to have a fleet to command, so he was put in command of the entirety of the fleet in the Atlantic. His friend and constant companion Captain William Bush was also in the Atlantic fleet; he was in command of the H.M.S. Nonsuch, a 74 gun frigate.

       The weather was warm off the coast of Africa. Admiral Hornblower was standing on the main deck of the Temeraire, watching the men holystone the decks, a Royal Navy tradition. He was just about to leave for his cabin when a the lookout shouted "Sail Ho!". Hornblower shouted upwards "Name and number!" The man replied "H.M.S. Nonsuch, 74!". Hornblower replied "Send signal: Request captain of the Nonsuch to come over.". The signals were raised and they received an acknowledgement from the Nonsuch. Hornblower saw the Captain's gig pulling away from the side of the Nonsuch and heading towards his ship.

       When the gig pulled alongside, Hornblower reached for Bush's hand and pulled him in. "The weather's fairly warm, isn't it?" remarked Hornblower. "It is indeed sir." replied Bush. "What brings you here Bush?" asked Hornblower. Bush pulled out from his breast pocket an official looking package covered in canvas and tar. "We've an official dispatch from the Admiralty sir." Hornblower received the package and went to his cabin to read the letter.

       The letter read,

  Dear Admiral of the Fleet Sir Horatio Hornblower, K.B.,

We wish to inform you as to the content of your orders. The reason we say this is because this mission is strictly voluntary. The mission we wish to send you on is so dangerous that we can only accept volunteers. If you wish to be in this mission, you may read further. If not, please return this letter to the Admiralty and stay with your current orders until you are notified otherwise.

       "Interesting." thought Hornblower. They are only accepting volunteers.

  If you agree to this mission, you will be sent to the west coast of Africa. You will be blockading the Gulf of Aden. You are not to let a single ship through to the Red Sea and beyond. For this mission you will be taking with you your own ship, the Temeraire, Captain Bush's ship, the H.M.S. Nonsuch, 74, Captain Dagen's ship, the H.M.S. Firebrand, 24, and Lieutenant-Commander Reichert's ship, H.M.S. Oarfish, 18.

                                                                                                                                  -Lord St. Vincent

       "Well," thought Hornblower. "Let us commence the mission." for Hornblower was not a one to pass up an adventure of any sort. "Raise the mizzenmast!" yelled Hornblower. Hornblower glanced back at the fleet. "Finally," thought Hornblower. "Things are going to get more exciting around here soon. "Set a course for West Africa!" The ship glided into motion. Hornblower glanced back at the quickly receding figure of the fleet, and the ship glided into the distance.     

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