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When you're writing, the first thing people are going to look at is your formatting. The way your story looks.

Consider this:
"No, I can't watch you do this" Toru said. "But I have to, it's the only way" Sota frowned. "No Sota, there must be something else, something we can do" Hayate said quickly, was he the only one that was thinking straight? "I... I'm sure everything will be alright" Taiki insisted."

A very simple example where paragraphs are needed! Remember! You need to make a paragraph when:
-Someone new is talking
-The place has changed or time
-The topic is changed

Let's look back at the example:

"No, I can't watch you do this" Toru said. "But I have to, it's the only way" Sota frowned. "No Sota, there must be something else, something we can do" Hayate said quickly, was he the only one that was thinking straight? "I... I'm sure everything will be alright" Taiki insisted."

See any paragraphs that have to be made? Because I see plenty.

"No, I can't watch you do this" Toru said.

"But I have to, it's the only way" Sota frowned. (Paragraph here because Sota is the new speaker)

"No Sota, there must be something else, something we can do" Hayate said quickly, was he the only one that was thinking straight? (Paragraph here because Hayate is talking now)

"I... I'm sure everything will be alright" Taiki insisted.(Paragraph here because Taiki is the new speaker)"

Now as you can see, it's easier to follow what is going on! Remember, if it's someone new that's talking then you MUST make a new paragraph. I cannot stress this enough


Now for the second rule. You need to make a new paragraph when the place changes or the time. For instance...

"All of the boys walked out and stepped into the large van that was able to hold them all. After 5 hours they reached the airport that took them to Korea. On the plane, they all fell asleep except Toru who had trouble sleeping because of the annoying kid behind him."

Again, a really simple example to show you how to use the paragraph rules. I could have put in a lot more detail, but we just need the solid understanding.

"All of the boys walked out and stepped into the large van that was able to hold them all.

After 5 hours they reached the airport that took them to Korea. (Paragraph here because of time change AND place change)

On the plane, they all fell asleep except Toru who had trouble sleeping because of the annoying kid behind him." (Paragraph here because of time change AND place change)"

See? Much neater and it helps the reader stay on top of what's going on and where everyone is.


The last rule I would like to talk about is the change of topic.

"Sota frowned as he overlooked his wardrobe pick for this photo shoot. The clothes seemed a bit too big for him, and the pants seemed too tight. He got a bit hungry, as it was close to lunch time, and his thoughts drifted to the natto that was waiting for him out side of the changing room. Speaking of natto, he was supposed to be shooting his natto show with a friend of his. He hoped that he would get to try out many more kinds of natto"

See how everything is all over the place? Let's fix it up!

"Sota frowned as he overlooked his wardrobe pick for this photo shoot. The clothes seemed a bit too big for him, and the pants seemed too tight.

He got a bit hungry, as it was close to lunch time, and his thoughts drifted to the natto that was waiting for him out side of the changing room. (Paragraph here as his thoughts switched from his clothes to the food)

Speaking of natto, he was supposed to be shooting his natto show with a friend of his. He hoped that he would get to try out many more kinds of natto (Paragraph here as his thoughts of natto switched to his show)"

Ta da~

Now this doesn't just apply to a character's thoughts, but this is where you will most likely end up using this rule.

So that's all I have about Paragraphs! Let me know if it helped you at all, or if you have any questions!

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