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I'm not the person to tell you everything.  I keep my feeling in tell I explode into a ball of anger.  I also can't deal with change, it scares me.  Everything in my life had been the same. Same friends same sports, and same family.  I had never thought my family would change but it did.  I went from being the favoured baby in the family to just the other kid.  My parents look at my brother as the golden boy and me as well nothing.  My friends say their there for me and that they care about me, but it's hard for me to believe them when they are all movie away.  Which leaves me with only one reason to wake up.  My dogs I have two but I'm getting a new puppy on the 24.  I'm really only getting her so I will stop asking for one, but anyways.  I don't understand why things have to change. 

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