Underneath the lies and deceit.
I wonder what lies beneath that hood.
What horrors that really rebel in the mind of the monster.
What secrets do you really keep
What has to be done too make you happy.
Oh, tell me master of Lies.
What it is that you really want.
What is the next untruth that will pass through those lips;
Pray tell I may as,
Will there be an ear here to listen to the vile that spews from it?
Oh, Tell me man with the Shrouded Face
What it is that has you so hidden from the light;
Why you must toil and play with those who care.
Why should you lead them on just to destroy them in the end.
Oh! Tell me, oh pitiful snake,
Why must you slither and hide when the light begins to show;
IS the coils of the night to tightly bound to that tiny fragment of a heart you bear;
Or is it the fact you enjoy to watch another sufferOh! Tell me Man that brands the darkened hood;
Will there ever come a time that you will understand,
What it means to really be loved by another.
Or are you just going to make them suffer the same fate;
Cursing them to be a vile and crooked as you;
Hiding in the shadows, and sucking the life from those who dare venture your way.
Oh! Tell me Weaver of tales;
Is there ever going to be an ending to the torture that you put them through;
Are we just destined to be stuck in the web for the eternity to come.
Desperately trying to hold onto the one thing that may not be real.
But through the web of lies,
All seem to be real
The Man with The Shrouded hood.
PoetryStill a work in progress let me know what you think'