Chapter One

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707 had been watching over her for awhile now.

It was usually everyday that should would make an appearance. The atmosphere she provided was constantly fluctuating depending on the different members in the audience that would entertain her. Seeing her chat them up frustrated him but, he even let her chat him up and put a little fun in his hyper joking. Those shallow conversations she had entertained him with, he could constantly feel her messages on him through the chat room. That whoever, never fluctuated. It was always him, and that was such an obnoxious prize he could wear.

707 laid flopped over in his overly cushioned leather chair, just the right way too. With his jacket loose, Buddha chips in front of him, and chatroom opened with just her and him so now he could finally do something other than hacking.

He took a deep inhale and brought two chips to rest between his lips. He adjusted his glasses with the palm of his hand and typed a response. She replied immediately.

I wanna have Honey Buddha Chips and Doctor Pepper for breakfast too! Lol

He read the message in the same voice she had used in their calls. Her laugh was always a semi-high trill that just seemed to flow from her cute throat as her eyes would squeeze with a smile. Her voice would raise and lower to a mischievous hint to a shout of amazement. When she would gaze at someone or smile, she was obviously gorgeous, but it was more obvious she had no clue. He doesn't remember what storage file in his brain the smile came from though. Everything besides her voice, were things he had assumed she would be like. He never saw her clearly in the cameras, but he had a clear image of her smiling. It only lasted a few seconds and was just always there. He constantly questioned it, but the file that had pulled up in his brain had no explanation.

It was about eight in the morning and he had not gotten a second of sleep. He had told her it was because he was too busy with hacking, and that was somewhat the truth. He stayed up till three at night working on hacking. He stayed up from three to eight just day dreaming on the sugars of his Doctor Peppers. It was mostly dreams about her though. 707 had cursed her for it, because she was just too beautiful and too demanding of everything he focused on. (He didn't curse it, he actually loved it.)

He snuggled into the fibers of his jacket as he leaned back into his chair. The bag of Honey Buddha Chips were empty and his stomach was full. His eyelids began to become float downward as his mind drifted back to her and whatever she was doing. She could be combing her beautiful hair, or showering...

Bzzt. Bzzt.

707 launched forward to his phone with a frustrated screech. Someone had texted him right when he finally fell asleep! Two buzzes however meant that it was probably her who had texted him. He rubbed his eyes with a yawn and pushed his glasses up.

I'm coming over. You seem unwell.

She was coming over? His house was a mess! His heart raced as he slammed his phone down to pick things up. He went to the living room in his bedhead hair and began picking up the trash and clothes sprawled everywhere. He even adjusted the pillows on his red leather couches. However, half way through the last pillow adjustment, he realized there's no way she can even get here. She didn't know where he lived, she would have to get safe transportation, and she would have to know 707's passcodes to come in. Plus, they were friends but, they only knew each other for a couple days! His socked feet slipped as he tumbled down to his desk to pick up his phone. He texted her again. She replied immediately:

Too bad I am here already! >.<

Tumbling into his desk chair, he checked the front door camera and there she was, in a plush sweater and cute little pale shoes and socks. He saw her aggressively push all the buttons on the door knob and start saying all the correct arabic words to unlock the door. His knee started nervously bouncing as he stared at her mouth over pronounce arabic words. The sound of the door slowly opening came from next to the glass wall separating them. How did she know all the pass codes to get in? How did she pronounce those words so easily? He froze as the edge of her hair peeked through the door. She unwrapped the scarf on her neck as she sighed. Her hair swished and showed the curve of her neck. It excited him. She gently took of her shoes and when she turned around, she smiled right at him.

He let an extremely harsh inhale in, because he wasn't breathing. It obviously startled her, but it made her laugh. How could she laugh when his heart wasn't even working anymore though. He was dying and she was giggling. Her smile was pure and nothing to even joke about, and it was exactly how he remembered it. Extremely gorgeous. The smile felt so extremely, deja vu. The deja vu made him feel like someone flipped his skin inside out, and left him too exposed. Where was these expectations and images of her smiles coming from in his head? Maybe his dreams?

"Did you eat, Saeyoung?" She asked in a modulate and plummy voice.


The scene playing out was extremely pleasant. She set down a bag full of groceries as she looked at him with care. It was like they were already a married couple buying putting away groceries. Married in a space station... He choked on his own breathing and he noticed the silence that was left out too long. His voice sounded a bit husky when he asked:

"What are you doing here? How do you know my address?"

She picks up the bag once more and carries it to the kitchen and he follows. Seven assumes she doesn't hear him when she doesn't respond immediately. Y/N opens the fridge and puts just the milk into the fridge to turn to him. It didn't feel comfortable having her in his kitchen. It was a bit embarrassing having an attractive stranger in your messy kitchen. However, he kept his mouth shut. It was kind for her to think of him while shopping and he wasn't going to step on that even though he didn't ask, plus he needed them.

She spun fast, her eyes are right on his. Seven opens his mouth to ask again but, she answers.

"I'm sorry, I ended up memorizing it from visiting so much," She laughs with her eyes closed softly. His skin crawls. "Did you not want me to visit?" She looks as if she is reading out his face, and by what she expresses, she didn't like what it read. Her beautiful fingertips lift to meet his face gently, however he flinches. He was uncomfortable and felt frustrated, he couldn't find the reason for her bizarre answers and knowing his address.

"Did a member give you my address?" If his address wasn't given by a member, where else did she get it? Y/N looks angry. She was obviously just as confused.

"No, you gave it to me when you needed help tracking Unknown." Her voice sounded a bit dry now. He saw an expression he's never seen before. It was like someone was just murderer in front of her.

Her eyes...

"You remember right? Right?" Her eyes frantically look all over his face. He was ashamed, because he didn't know what she was searching for.

"I don't remember any of that." He replies with a dull voice. His tone was probably being too insensitive. She was obviously being offended right here. Y/N's hands drop loosely to her sides.

"I apologize Saeyo- I mean, Luciel. Forgive me for intruding. I thought that..." She's shuffling to door too quickly.

"I sincerely apologize for trespassing and acting too casual. Now, excuse me." Her voice was dry and brittle. He wanted to scream out that he remembers, only for her to stay. However, he was just as confused than ever as he watched her. His throat ends up making a surprisingly loud noise that catches her attention.

Was she asking if he remembered maybe something that actually happened? Wasn't he being the fool here? Was that why he felt deja-vu?

"Wait! I am not sure what you are talking about. With you, I feel very familiar with you. Is there something I should know? Please don't leave. I know that there's something... I-"

She doesn't turn around to look at him. However, she wasn't leaving anymore. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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