chapter 7

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As I saw that I had two text from Justin I opened the text and it said..

*text image*

-meet me at Starbucks @ 11 o'clock today we need to catch up :)

-ok see u then

*text image over*

I grabbed my car keys and told Tanner that I was going out to Starbucks.

I turned on our car and drove off to Starbucks. I turned on the radio cause I hate silence and One Direction came on! I love all of them they are so cute and there music is great. My favorite is Niall and Harry.

I pulled up to Starbucks and parked my car and went inside. I saw Justin sitting in a chair waiting for me.

"You made it!" He said

"Ya wouldn't miss it for the world." I said

"Do you wanna go grab a coffee?" He asked

"Ya sure." I said

We waited in line and while we were third in line out of no where HARRY STYLES CAME IN!!! I was total freaking out in my head I didn't know what to do I just stood there like an idiot. Justin looked at me he knew I loved 1D

"Go." He said and smiled

"Really" I whispered

"Ya I will get u a coffee and I will be over there." He said

"Thank u so much!" I squealed and hugged him.

As I approached Harry there were a few girls waiting for autographs and photos. After he was done he turned to me and said..
"Well, well what do we have here." He said

"Umm uhhh m-my name i-is Vanessa." I said quietly

"Wow you are really pretty." He said

"Thanks I am a model.." I whispered

"I thought I new you from somewhere." He said getting a piece of paper out

"Here this is my phone number call me and maybe we can hang or go on a date you know if you want...." He said

"OMG Thank you soo much I will call you later!" I squealed

"Ok I gotta go back to the studio bye" he said

"Bye" I said

I then turned to look for Justin and saw that he was in the corner so I went there where he was and sat down with him.

"How did it for?" He said

"Good he asked me out but Tanner... So I will tell him that we can hang out as friends I guess.." I said

We then talked about what happened during college and how I meet Tanner. And a bunch of other stuff. He said that his singing Career was going great and maybe next year he might go on tour again.

After talking for what seemed like hours we got up and decided to go home. As we walked out the door we hugged. Which made thousands of butterfly's explode in my stomach. And headed off.

When I got home I told Tanner how it went and then went upstairs and called Ashley, and Selena and told them what happened. Ashley totally freaked out considering I meet Harry Styles and Selena did to. They said I should text him tomorrow and ask him if we can go out as friends.

After I talked to them I went and got a shower, brushed my teeth and put my hair up a messy bun and got on my comfy PJ's. I then went to bed thinking about me and Justin's conversation over and over until I feel asleep.

The next morning I got up and did my daily routine. Then went down stairs to cook breakfast I saw that Tanner left a note on the counter saying he had a game today and he will be home tomorrow.

After I ate my breakfast I got up and turned on the TV. I switched it to teen Nick and watched Zoey 101. I love that show :)

I then decided to text Harry and try to plan our day out together.

"Text image*

-hey it is me the girl from Starbucks yesterday. Vanessa
~unknown number

-O hey did u think about our date/ friends night out
~ Harry

-ya I have a boyfriend maybe we could grab a bunch of friends and hit a club or something. :)

-ya that sounds awesome how about tomorrow since it is Saturday.

-ok sounds great I will call some friends to invite ttyl. ;)

-me to bye;)

*text image over*

- Hey sorry if you didn't like this chapter but I was thinking that maybe Vanessa should invite all her friends and have a few of them get together with the 1D boy. Like Ahsley and Liam and Selena and Zayn. Let me know what you think. PS the is ganna be a lot of drama in the next Chapter ;)

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